ARMY TM 9-6115-671-14
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-446-32
MARINE CORPS TM 09249A/09246A-14
4.8.23 Automatic Voltage Regulator A4.
Electronic components containing printed circuit boards are extremely
sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Wear an ESD wrist strap connected
to ground whenever coming in contact with ESD-sensitive components. Failure
to comply can cause severe damage to equipment.
a. Inspection.
Shut down generator set, paragraph 2.11.2.
Remove DCS control box top panel, paragraph 4.7.2.
Attach ESD wrist strap and connect to ground.
Inspect automatic voltage regulator (11, Figure 4-15) for loose or missing mounting hardware and
any obvious damage.
Disconnect ESD wrist strap, and remove wrist strap.
Install DCS control box top panel, paragraph 4.7.2.
b. Testing.
Shut down generator set, paragraph 2.11.2.
Remove DCS control box top panel, paragraph 4.7.2.
Attach ESD wrist strap and connect to ground.
Set multimeter to ohms, and connect leads to P9-5 and P9-6. Refer to Wiring Diagram FO-3.
Measure resistance between P9-5 and P9-6. If resistance is other than 28±3 ohms, test back plane
module, paragraph 4.7.24.
Disconnect multimeter leads from P9-5 and P9-6.
Set multimeter to VDC. Connect positive lead to P9-5 and negative lead to P9-6.
Disconnect ESD wrist strap, and remove wrist strap.
Hold ENGINE CONTROL switch in START position and start generator set. Record VDC
reading. Reading should be approximately 8 VDC. If not, test the field flash relay K23 using the
procedure described in paragraph 4.8.34.
(10) Release ENGINE CONTROL switch, and disconnect multimeter leads from P9-5 and P9-6.
(11) Connect positive multimeter lead to J24-1 and negative lead to P24-2. If reading is above 20 VDC,
replace automatic voltage regulator (11).
(12) Disconnect multimeter leads from P24-1 and P24-2.