ARMY TM 9-6115-670-14&P
1.16.3. Cooling System. The cooling system (Figure 1-5) consists of a radiator, centrifugal water
pump, suction fan and a thermostat. The water is cooled through the radiator core and the fan, which is
set behind the radiator, forcing cool air through the radiator core to improve cooling. The water pump
forces the cooled water into the engine block and draws out the hot water. When the thermostat is open
(at approximately 160°F (71.11°C)), water leaving the engine block goes directly to the radiator.
However, when the thermostat closes, the water bypasses the radiator and moves directly to the water
pump. The radiator cap sustains the internal pressure of the cooling system at 13 psi (89.63 kPa).
Figure 1-5. Cooling System