TM 9-6115-664-13&P
G-5. Special Information.
Usable on Code. Not applicable. The Usable On Code (UOC) appears in the lower left comer of the description
column heading. Usable on codes are shown as "UOC:" in the description column (justified left) on the applicable item
description nomenclature. Uncoded items are applicable to all models.
Fabrication Instructions. Bulk materials required to manufacture items are listed in the bulk material functional
group of this RPSTL. Part numbers for bulk materials are also referenced in the description column the tine item entry for
the item to be manufactured/fabricated.
Assembly Instructions. Not applicable. Detailed assembly instructions for items source coded to be assembled
from component spare/repair parts are found in referenced manuals. Items that make up the assembly are listed
immediately following the assembly item entry or reference is made to an applicable figure.
Kits. Not applicable. Line item entries for repair part kits appear in a group in Section II.
Index Numbers. Items which have the word BULK in the figure column will have an index number shown in the
item number column. This index number is a cross-reference between the National Stock Number/Part Number Index
and the bulk material list in Section II.
National Stock Numbers. National Stock Numbers (NSN's) that are missing from "P" source coded items have
been applied for and will be added to this TM by future change/revision when they are entered in the Army Master Data
File (AMDF). Until the NSN's are established and published, submit exception requisitions to: Commander, US Army
Communications-Electronics Command and Fort Monmouth, ATTN: AMSEL-LC-MM, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5007 for
the part required to support your equipment.
G-6. How to Locate Repair Parts.
When National Stock Number (NSN) or part number is not known:
First. Using the table of contents, determine the assembly or subassembly group to which the item
belongs. This is necessary since figures are prepared for assembly and subassembly groups, and listings are divided into
the same groups.
Second. Find the figure covering the assembly or subassembly group to which the item belongs.
Third. Identify the item on the figure and note the item number.
Fourth. Refer to the Repair Parts Lists for the figure to find the part number for the item number noted on
the figure.
Fifth. Refer to the Part Number Index to find the NSN, if assigned.
When National Stock Number (NSN) or part number is known:
First. Using the index of National stock numbers and part numbers, find the pertinent National Stock
Number or part number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence (para G-4a(1)). The
part numbers in the part number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric sequence (para G-4b). Both indexes cross-
reference you to the illustration figure and item number of the item you are looking for.
Second. After finding the figure and item number, verity that the item is the one you're looking for, then
locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure.
G-7. Abbreviations.
Not applicable.