TM 9-6115-651-14&P
d. In the parts list, some items are indented to show that they area component of the item under which they
are indented.
D-5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
When National Stock Number or Refe ence Number is Unknown:
Using the table of contents, determine the functional group; i.e., batteries and related parts, exhaust and
breather pipes, within which the repair part belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are prepared
for functional groups.
Find the illustration covering the functional group to which the repair part belongs.
Identify the repair part on the illustration and note the illustration figure and item number of the repair
Using the Repair Parts Listing, find the figure and item number noted on the illustration.
b. When National Stock Number or Reference Number is Known:
Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Reference Numbers, find the pertinent national stock
number or reference number. This index is in ascending NSN sequence followed by a list of reference
numbers in alphanumeric sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration figure number and item number.
After finding the figure and item number, locate the figure and item number in the repair parts list.
D-6. Use of the Reference Designator Index Section. This Section (Section V) is used when the
reference designator is known or identified by other technical manuals supporting this equipment. The reference
number is given in this section. If description or location is desired, note the figure and item number. Turn to
Section II to the noted figure and item number. The location of the part and description is given in this listing.
D-7. Abbreviations.
D-8. Federal Supply Codes for
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
D-9. Recommendation for Maintenance Publication Improvements. Report of errors,
omissions, and recommendations for improving this publication by the individual user is encouraged. Reports
should be submitted directly to: Commander, US Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTR-MCTS, 4300
Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.