TM 9-6115-651-14&P
Reparable item. When beyond lower level repair capability, return to
depot. Condemnation and disposal not authorized below depot level.
Reparable item. Repair, condemnation and disposal not authorized below
depot/Specialized Repair Activity level.
Item requires special handling or condemnation procedure because of
specific reasons (i.e., precious metal content, high-dollar value, critical
material or hazardous material). Refer to appropriate manuals/directives
for specific instructions.
c. National Stock Number (Column 4). Indicates the National Stock Number assigned to the item and will be
used for requisitioning purposes.
d. Description (Column 5). Indicates the Federal item name and any additional descriptions of the item
required. The abbreviation "w/e" when used as a part of the nomenclature, indicates that the National Stock
Number includes all armament, equipment, accessories and repair parts issued with the item. A part number or
other reference number is followed by the applicable five digit Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer in
parentheses. If two reference numbers and Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturer are listed, the first listing
refers to the Department of Defense Drawing Number, the second listing refers to the actual part manufacturer.
Items that are included in kits and sets are listed below the name of the kit or set with the quantity of each item in
the kit or set indicated in the quantity incorporated in unit column.
Unit of Measure (U/M) (CoIumn 6). Indicates the standard of the basic quantity of the listed item as used in
performing the actual maintenance function. This measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr. etc.). When the unit of measure differs from the unit of issue, the lowest unit of issue
that will satisfy the required units of measure will be requisitioned.
f. Quanity Incorpoated in Unit (Column 7). Indicates the quantity of the item used in the assembly group. A
V appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite quantity cannot be indicated (e.g., shims,
spacers, etc.).
D-4. Special Information.
a. Identification of Usable On Codes for this manual is not applicable.
b. Army unit maintenance personnel will extract the items which they require from Section II, 3rd or 4th
position of column 2 of the direct and general support RPSTL. Parts which are manufactured or assembled at a
higher level than that authorized to install the part are indicated by the use of higher level code in the source
c. Stockage Information. Army stockage is demand based in accordance with AR 710-2. Repair parts listed
in this publication represent those authorized for use at indicated maintenance levels and will be requisitioned on
an as-required basis until stockage is justified in accordance with AR 710-2.