ARMY TM 9-6115-642-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-455-12
MARINE CORPS TM 09247A/09248A-24/2
p. From right side of generator set, perform following removal procedures:
Only the four pin connector - J5 should be disconnected.
(1) Disconnect four pin connector - J5 from under control box.
(2) Tag and disconnect electrical connections to magnetic pickup (7, FIGURE 2-25).
(3) Remove starter, refer to TM 9-2815-253-24.
(4) Tag and disconnect electrical connections to alternator (9, FIGURE 2-5).
(5) Tag and disconnect electrical connections to heater plugs, refer to TM 9-2815-253-24.
(6) If removing engine and generator, disconnect coolant drain hose (35, FlGURE 2-20)at engine block drain
(7) Remove bolt (65, FIGURE 2-8), nut (66), lockwasher (67), washer (68), mounting plate (69), and ground-
ing rods (70).
Remove bolts (75, FIGURE 2-8) and nuts (76) securing door sills (77) and (78) to center housing panel (62,
FIGURE 2-9).
Remove bolts (20, FIGURE 2-9), Iockwashers (21), and washers (22) securing rear side housing panels (23)
and (24) to skid base.
Remove nuts (58), lockwashers (59), washers (60), and bolts (61) securing center housing panel (62) to skid base.
Remove bolts (12), nuts (13), lockwashers (14), and washers (15) securing lifting ring brackets (16) and lifting
rings (17) to skid base (both sides).
From left side of generator set, perform following removal procedures:
(1) Tag and disconnect electrical Ieads to fuel shutoff solenoid (17, FIGURE 2-25).
(2) Tag and disconnect electrical Ieads from coolant temperature sender (4) and coolant high electrical con-
nections to temperature switch (5).
(3) Remove nut (14), bolt (12), and clamp (15) from fuel shutoff solenoid bracket (16).
If removing the generator only, proceed to sub-step (6).
Tag radiator hoses to indicate what each end is connected to and which end is connected
to the radiator. This will be an aid during installation.
(4) Loosen clamps (19, FIGURE 2-20) and (21). Tag and remove upper radiator hose (20) and Iower radiator
hose (22).
(5) Loosen clamp (3, FIGURE 2-23) and disconnect oil drain hose (4) from fitting (8).
(6) Disconnect frequency control cable (6, FIGURE 2-24) from mechanical governor.
(7) Remove fuel supply line (2, FIGURE 2-22). Cap open ends.
(8) Remove fuel supply hose (9) at fuel filter/water separator fitting (18) and cap end.
(9) Disconnect fuel filter/water separator drain hose (10) from fuel fiiter/water separator drain valve.
(10) Disconnect oil pressure line (3, FIGURE 2-25) from engine block fitting (24).
(11) Tag and disconnect electrical connections from Iow oil pressure switch (1) and oil pressure sender (2).
Wires running the length of the generator set on the left side have not been dis-
connected. Use care when lifting the rear generator set housing to avoid cutting
or pulling these wires.