evidence of pitting, resurface the points with a small
2-35. Battery and Battery Cables
tungsten file.
a. Removal.
(3) If points are badly pitted or worn, replace
(1) Remove the battery cover (TM 5-6115-440-
(4) Check breaker point gap by inserting the
(2) Disconnect battery cables.
starting hand crank and rotating the engine until the
(3) Lift battery out of frame.
breaker point gap is fully open. Measure the gap
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect battery for cracks, corrosion and
0.015 inch.
correct electrolyte level (TM 5-6115-440-10).
(5) If the breaker point gap is not correct
loosen two locking screws on the contact plate (fig
breaks and corrosion. Replace a defective cable or
(6) Insert a small screwdriver into the contac
c. Installation.
plate adjusting slot and open or close the gap by
(1) Position battery in frame.
moving the contact plate as required.
(2) Connect battery cables.
(7) When the gap is correct, tighten the locking
(3) Install battery holddown and cover (TM 5-
screws and recheck the gap.
(8) Install magneto e n d c o v e r a n d g a s k e t
carefully to assure proper seal, and secure with four
a. Magneto Spark Check and Inspection. I f
screws and lock washers.
m a g n e t o is suspected to providing weak or no
ignition sparks (engine misfiring or hard starting),
The two longer screws are to be installed in the
perform the following check before attempting any
ower pair of mounting holes.
magneto adjustment or repair.
(9) Replace a defective magneto.
(1) Unscrew shielded ignition cable from the
cylinder No. 1 spark plug.
(2) Insert the starting hand crank over the
and install magneto as follows:
(3) Holding the terminal end of the shielded
(1) Attach magneto gear to magneto as shown in
ignition cable 1/8 inch from the air shroud (or other
electrical ground), turn the engine over slowly for at
(2) Remove flywheel screen.
least two revolutions with the starting hand crank.
(3) Using the starting hand crank, crank engine
(4) Observe the terminal end of the shielded
until the reference vane on the flywheel is alined
ignition cable for spark discharges which should
occur during each cycle.
(4) Position magneto with magneto gear in-
(5) Reconnect the shielded ignition cable to the
spark plug and repeat the check with shielded
(5) Secure magneto to gear cover with a screw,
ignition cables from cylinders No. 2, 3, and 4, in
washer, and a nut for the lower bracket mounting
hole; and with a nut, stud and washer on the upper
Reconnect each ignition cable to the proper spark
(6) Connect the ground wire and magneto leads
plug before removing the next ignition cable.
(6) If weak sparks, or no sparks are observed,
(7) Connect the shielded ignition cables to the
check breaker point gap adjustment.
corresponding cylinder numbered end caps.
( 7 ) If strong sparks are observed from all
(8) Using chalk or paint, mark the edge of the
shielded ignition cables, the magneto and cables can
flywheel reference vane.
be eliminated as sources of trouble. Inspect spark
(9) Connect a timing light to the No. 1 terminal
plugs, electrical connections, and other leads for
(10) Using starting hand crank, slowly turn
b. Breaker Point Adjustment. If the ignition spark
crankshaft. Timing light must flash when marked
is weak when checked, breaker points may require
vane is alined with centerline of No. 1 and No. 3
(1) Remove four end cover screws from the
(11 ) Start engine. Timing light must flash when
m a g n e t o and lift away the end cover with the
flywheel reference vane is 23 degrees before cen-
shielded ignition cables attached.
terline of No. 1 and No. 3 cylinders.
( 2 ) Inspect the breaker points. If there is