TM 11-6625-680-14-2
Section I. GENERAL
5 8 / N A V S U P I N S T 4030.29/AFR 71-13/MCO
a. This manual describes Test Set, Motor-
P4030.29A, and DLAR 4145.8.
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
instructions for installation, operation, and main-
(SF 361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in
tenance of the equipment.
Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed
b. Appendix A
contains a
list of
references and
in AR 55-38/NAVSUPINST 4610.33B/AFR 75-18/
MCO P4610.19C and DLAR 4500.15.
1-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement
1-2. Indexes of
Recommendations (EIR)
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of DA
EIR's will be prepared using DA Form 2407,
Pam 310-4 to determine whether there are new
Maintenance Request. Instructions for preparing
editions, changes, or additional publications per-
EIR's are provided in TM 38-750. The Army
taining to the equipment.
Maintenance Management System. EIR's should
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
be mailed direct to Commander, US Army Com-
determine whether there are modification work
munications, and Electronics Material Readiness
orders (MWO'S) pertaining to the equipment.
Command, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-MQ, Fort Mon-
mouth, NJ 07703. A reply will be furnished direct to
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatis-
1-5. Administration Storage
factory Equipment. Maintenance forms, records,
For procedures, forms, and records and inspection
and reports which are to be used by maintenance
required during administrative storage of this
personnel at all maintenance levels are listed in
and prescribed by TM 38-750.
equipment, refer to TM 740-90-1.
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficien-
1-6. Destruction of Army
cies. Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Packaging
requirements for destruction will be those pre-
Improvement Report (as prescribed in AR 700-
scribed in TM 750-244-2.
and eight cable set assemblies (4). The panel
Test Set, Motor-Generator AN/GSM-65A (tester) is
assembly is mounted on the front of the cabinet
assembly and the load bank is mounted on the rear.
used to test aircraft inverters that have up to a
The cable set assemblies are stored in a compart-
maximum output of 2,500 volt-amperes at unity
ment in the top of the cabinet.
power factor. Testing is accomplished by applying
a load to the inverter under test while metering
five meters, four fuses, three selectors, three
the input voltage and current and the output
switches, two indicators, one connector, one pair of
voltage, current, and frequency. A source of power
28 volts direct current (vdc) input connections, and
capable of providing up to 180 amperes at 28 volts
one control.
direct current (dc) is required to test inverters
c. The A.C. AMPS meters (2), A, C. VOLTS meter
having a maximum output of 2,500 volt-amperes.
meter (7) are protected by a sensitive-type relay
connected in the circuit so that a meter overload
from 10 to 30 percent will operate the
assembly (1), a cabinet assembly (2), a load bank (3),