(1) Mount the motor-generator on a test bench
3-7. Bench Testing Motor-Generator
Make sure the areas of contact between the mounting
base of the motor-generator and the corresponding areas
a When to Bench Test Localize motor-generator
of the test bench are clean and free of oil or grease to
malfunctions, using bench troubleshooting tabel 3-2,
ensure good electrical grounding
when any of the following conditions apply
(2) Interconnect the motor-generator and motor-
generator test set AN/GSM-65 () (paragraph 3-8)
(1) When the motor-generator is being serviced
apart from the aircraft and the nature of the aircraft and
the nature of the abnormal symptoms is not known
Bench test of the motor-generator requires connection of
the motor-generator, the AN/GSM-65(), and a 26- to
(2) When abnormal symptoms are reported from
29-volt, 285-ampere (minimum) dc power source as
operational tests (paragraph 3-5), and in air-craft
shown in figure 3-2
trouble-shooting fails to locate and correct the fault
Test set cable assembly No 7 of the AN/GSM-65()
should be used for interconnection Refer to the
applicable AN/GSM-65() technical manual for
b Condition for Bench Test Prepare the motor-
cable assembly description
generator for bench testing as follows