c. When the reference designation is known,
f o l l o w the procedures given in (1) and (2) be-
follow the procedures given in b (2) above.
( 1 ) Refer to section VII.1 (index of Fed-
d. W h e n n e i t h e r t h e F S N , r e f e r e n c e n u m b e r ,
e r a l stock numbers) or section VII.2 (index of
nor reference designation is known, identify the
reference numbers) and note the applicable figure
part in the illustration and follow directions given
and reference designation.
in c above, or scrutinize column 3 of the r e p a i r
parts lists (secs. III and V).
( 2 ) When the reference designation is de-
t e r m i n e d , refer to the reference designation in-
C-6. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
d e x (sec. VIII). The reference designations are
l i s t e d in numericalpha ascending order and are
c r o s s - r e f e r e n c e d to the page number on which
30887 ---- Dyna Technology, Inc.
t h e y appear i n the repair parts list (sees. III
43334 ---- N e w Departure-Hyatt Bearings Divi-
a n d Y). Refer to the page number noted in the
sion, Genera] Motors Corp.
index and locate the reference designation in the
59730 ---- Thomas and Betts Co., The
repair parts list (col. 7b, or col. 10b). If the
70485 ---- Atlantic India Rubber Works, Inc.
d e s c r i p t i o n column indicates that it is a "Same
75382 ---- Kulka Electric Corp.
as" item, locate the first appearance of the item
76473 ---- Midwest Moulding and Mfg. Co.
b y the index number (sequence number) refer-
96906 ---- Military Standards
(Next page is C-4)