TM 11-6125-252-15
e q u i p m e n t s is 40; for 150 equipments multiply
"REF" in the allowance columns. Items author-
40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
ized for use as required, but not for initial stock-
age, are identified with an asterisk in the allow-
h. One-Year Allowances per 100 Equipments/
ance column.
Contingency Planning Purposes. Indicates op-
(2) The quantitative allowances for organi-
posite the first appearance of each item the total
zational level of maintenance represents one
q u a n t i t y required for d i s t r i b u t i o n and contin-
initial prescribed load for a 15-day period for
gency planning purposes. The range of items
the number of equipments supported. Units and
i n d i c a t e s total quantities of all authorized items
organizations authorized additional prescribed
required to provide for adequate support of 100
loads will multiply the number of prescribed loads
equipments for 1 year.
authorized by the quantity of repair parts re-
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance per 100 Equip-
flected in the appropriate density column to ob-
m e n t s . Indicates opposite the first appearance of
tain the total quantity of repair parts authorized.
each item the total quantity authorized for depot
(3) Organizational units providing mainte-
m a i n t e n a n c e of 100 equipments. Subsequent ap-
nance for more than 100 of these e q u i p m e n t s
pearances of the same item will have the letters
s h a l l determine the total quantity of parts re-
" R E F " in the allowance column. Items author-
q u i r e d by converting the equipment quantity to
ized for use as required, but not for initial stock-
a decimal factor by placing a decimal point be-
age, are identified with as asterisk in the allow-
f o r e the next to last digit of the number to
ance column.
indicate hundredths, and multiplying the decimal
f a c t o r by the parts quantity authorized in the
j. Illustrations.
51100 allowance column. Example, authorized
(1) Figure number.
Indicates the figure
allowance for 51100 equipments is 12; for 140
number in which the item is shown.
equipments multiply 12 by 1.40 or 16.80 rounded
(2) Item number or reference designation.
off to 17 parts required.
Indicates the reference designation used to iden-
g. 30 Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances.
tify the item in the illustration.
C-4. Special Information
Allowances in GS column are for GS
maintenance only.
Repair parts mortality is computed from failure
rates derived from experience factors with the
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
individual parts in a variety of equipments.
t h r e e subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn,
Variations in the specific application and periods
opposite the first appearance of each item, is the
of use of electronics equipment, the fragility of
t o t a l quantity of items authorized for the num-
electronic piece parts, plus intangible material
ber of equipments supported. Subsequent appear-
and quality factors intrinsic to the manufacture
a n c e s of the same item will have the letters
of electronic parts, do not permit mortality to
" R E F " in the applicable allowance columns.
be based on hours of end item use. However, long
Items authorized for use as required, but not for
periods of continuous use under adverse condi-
i n i t i a l stockage, are identified with an asterisk
tions are likely to increase repair parts mortality.
in the allowance column.
( 2 ) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
C-5. Location of Repair Parts
levels of maintenance will represent initial stock-
a. This appendix contains two cross-reference
age for a 30-day period for the number of equip-
indexes (sees. VII and VIIX) to be used to locate
ments supported.
a repair part when either the Federal stock num-
(3) Determination of the total quantity of
ber, reference number (manufacturer's part num-
parts required for maintenance of more than 100
ber), or reference designation is known. The
of these equipments can be accomplished by con-
first column in each index is prepared in numeri-
verting the equipment quantity to a decimal fac-
cal and or alphanumerical sequence in ascending
tor by placing a decimal point before the next to
o r d e r . Where a Federal stock number is listed,
last digit of the number to indicate hundredths,
r e f e r to section VII.1. Where a Federal stock
a n d multiplying the decimal factor by the parts
number. is not listed, refer to section VII.2.
quantity authorized in the 51100 allowance col-
b. When the Federal stock number is known,
umn. Example, authorized allowance for 51100