TM 11-6125-240-34
Table 4-1. General Support Troubleshooting for CSV2215-2 and CSV2215-3
Corrective action
Probable cause
a. Check Q4 collector to emitter and collector to base
a. Q4 shorted or CR4 shorted.
junctions with an ohmeter. If either junction
checks shorted, remove the emitter lead and
check to be sure that CR4 is not shorted. If Q4
and/or CR4 require placement, check Q3 per
following procdure.
b. Check Q3 from collector to emitter with an ohm-
b. Q3 Shorted
meter If not shorted, check Q3 collector-base
and emitter base for shorts. Replace Q3 if any
junction checks shorted.
c. Check Q1 and Q2 base-emitter and base collector
Q1 or Q2 open.
junctions with an ohmmeter. If either junction is
open, replace the defective transistor.
d. Check CR3 from anode to cathode with an ohm-
d. CR3 shorted.
meter. Replace if it is shorted.
e. Measure R1 resistance with an ohmmeter, reverse
e. R1 shorted or low resistance.
ohmmeter leads and measure again. One of these
indications must be in excess of 6000 ohms;
replace R1 if both indications are low.
f. Repeat previous procedure for R2. If both indica-
f. R2 low resistance.
tions are less than 12K ohms, replace R2.
g. Measure R5 and R6 with an ohmmeter. This resis-
g. R5 or R6 high resistance or open.
tance should be 130K and 24K maximum, respec-
tively. Replace as required.
h. Check CR5 from anode to cathode with an ohm-
h. CR5 shorted or open.
meter. Replace if it is shorted or open.
i. Check CR4 for a
short with an
ohmmeter. The
i. CR4 shorted.
meter indication should dip toward zero ohms,
then as the capacitor changes, increase to at
least 10K ohms. Replace if shorted.
j. Remove Cl and C2 from the circuit and measure
j. Cl or C2 defective.
value should be 0.013 to 0.017 microfarads, and
0.13 to 0.17 microfarads, respectively. Replace
either capacitor that is out of tolerance.
a. Check Q4 base-emitter and base-collector junctions
a. Q4 open, CR3 open, CR4 open.
with an ohmmeter. If either junction checks
open, replace Q4. If Q4 is replaced, check CR3
and CR4 from anode to cathode for open junc-
tions and check Q3 per fourth procedures listed
for this trouble. Replace as required.
b. Check Q1 and Q2 collector-emitter and collector-
b. Q1 or Q2 shorted.
base junctions for shorts with an ohmmeter.
Replace Q1 or Q2 if either junction checks
c. Connect an
ohmmeter across the two lead ter-
c. L1 defective.
minals of L1 reactor. (Preferably the ohmmeter
should be placed across the parallel capacitor,
C2. Checking reactor in this manner will ensure
a proper printed circuit connection and also
eliminate the possibility of damaging the fine in-
should measure 200 to 300 ohms. Replace L1 if
the resistance is outside these limits.
If after completing all following
procedures, the fault is not discovered,
available equipment with the adjustable
core removed Replace the core if the in-
ductance is less than 0.4 henry.
d. Remove Q3 from the circuit board and check base-
d. Q3 open, CR3 open.
emitter and base-collector junctions with an
ohmmeter. If either junction checks open,