TM 11-6125-220-20
DA Pam 310-4
TB 385-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Tech-
Safety Precautions for Maintenance
of Electrical/Electronic Equipment.
nical Bulletins, Supply Manuals
(Types. 7, 8, and 9), Supply Bul-
TM 11-5625-203-12 Operator and Organizational Main-
letins, and Lubrication Orders.
DA Pam 310-7
and AN/URM-105C including
US Army Equipment Index of Modi-
fication Work Orders.
SB 11-573
Painting and Preservation Supplies
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Manage-
Available for Field Use for Elec-
ment System (TAMMS).
tronics Command Equipment.
TM 740-90-1
TB 43-0118
Field Instructions for: Painting and
Administrative Storage of Equipment.
Preserving Electronics Command
TM 750-244-2
Procedures for Destruction of Elec-
Equipment including Camouflage
tronics Material to Prevent Enemy
Pattern Painting of Electrical
Use (Electronics Command).
Equipment Shelters.