TB 11-6115-741-24 TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS: Perform IAW MIL-STD-705, Method 608.1, rated resistive
load only, and the appropriate TM. TIER 2 shall provide a strip chart of the test.
7.1.4 Parallel Test. Perform IAW appropriate TM. Does not apply to 10 KW and below.
7. 2 Switch Box Testing:
Verify functionality of the
switch box by
performing a
100% load test
and parallel test as applicable.
7. 3 Quality Assurance.
After PMCS, testing, and
painting have
been completed, a
quality assurance
inspection shall be performed. Inspect test data sheet and all the parts, components, and problems
identified in the Technical and Functional Inspections as needed repair. Perform Operator and Unit PMCS
inspections. Upon successful completing of the QA inspection, the sets shall be certified for re-issue to
the field.