TM 9-6150-226-13
b. CB4, CB6, CB8 (20-amp, Single-Phase). Each single-phase circuit breaker (2, Figure 2-7) for M60 is in
series between the bus bars and a 20-amp output connector. These circuit breakers prevent output power to
the connector from exceeding a current of 20 amps (2.4 kW maximum load). These circuit breakers allow the
operator to turn off power to the load circuits.
c. CB3, CB5, and CB7(20-amp Ground Fault [GF], Single-Phase). Each single-phase circuit breaker (3,
Figure 2-7) for M60 is in series between the bus bars and a 20-amp output connector. These circuit breakers
prevent output power to the connectors from exceeding a current of 20 amps per phase (2.4 kW maximum
load), allows the operator to turn power off to the load, and interrupts the circuit when a current flow occurs in
the ground wire.
d. GB3 through CB8 (20-amp. Single-Phase). Each single-phase circuit breaker (6, Figure 2-8) for M60
A/P is in series between the bus bars and a 20- amp output connector. These circuit breakers prevent output
power to the connectors from exceeding a current of 20 amps per phase (2.4 kW maximum load). These circuit
breakers also allow the operator to turn power off to the load.
e. Ground Fault Test Switch.These switches (4, Figure 27) for M60 test the ground fault sensors (trip
indication) for the 20A GF circuit breakers. The M60 A/P does not have a ground fault cicruit.
f. Power Indicator Light. This light (5, Figure 2-7) for M60 and (4, Figure 2-8) for M60 A/P is connected
between neutral and the phase line. When electrical power is being supplied to the distribution center, the light
will illuminate.
Section Index
PMCS. Procedures
a. General. Your PMCS table (Table 2-1) has been provided so you can keep your equipment in good
operating condition and ready for its primary mission. The PMCS contains those checks and services
authorized to the operator by the maintenance allocation chart (MAC) under inspection and service functions.
b. Warnings and Cautions. Always observe the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS appearing in your PMCS table
BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER you operate the equipment. The warnings and cautions appear before certain
procedures. You must observe these WARNINGS and CAUTIONS to prevent serious injury to yourself and
others or prevent your equipment from being damaged.
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