TM 9-6150-226-13
Electrical Fault Isolation.
To isolate a short or open circuit, use
a multimeter (item 3, Section III, App B).
Refer to the troubleshooting guide
(Table 4-3) and the appropriate DISE and PDISE equipment continuity checklist
(Tables 4-4 thru 4-8). An X
in the table indicates there should be
continuity between
those two respective points.
If a measurement of no
continuity is obtained,
it indicates an open circuit.
An O in the table
indicates there should be no continuity between those two respective points.
If a measurement of continuity is obtained, it indicates a short circuit.
Figures 4-1 thru 4-4 are wiring diagrams for the DISE equipment.
Figures 4-5
thru 4-8 are wiring diagrams for the PDISE equipment.
Figures 4-9 thru 4-11
are used with either the DISE or PDISE equipment.
Table 4-3, Item
Feeder/Distribution Centers
Users Equipment will not Operate and
All Phase Indicator Lights are On
All Phase Indicator Lights are Off
3-Phase Indicator Lights are On
3-Phase Indicator Lights are Off
Circuit Breakers Supporting Users Load Repeatedly Trips