UNIT (FIELD) LEVEL MAINTENANCE WORK PACKAGES - TM-9-6115-730-240027DIRECT SUPPORT (FIELD) LEVEL MAINTENANCE WORK PACKAGES - TM-9-6115-730-240028Chapter 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-9-6115-730-240029WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240030GENERAL INFORMATION - TM-9-6115-730-240031REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIR) - TM-9-6115-730-240032WARRANTY INFORMATION - TM-9-6115-730-240033Table 1. Manufacturer's Warranties for 200 kW Generator Set. - TM-9-6115-730-240034Table 1. Manufacturer's Warranties for 200 kW Generator Set - Continued.NOMENCLATURE CROSS REFERENCE LIST - TM-9-6115-730-240036LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS - TM-9-6115-730-240037LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240038SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING INFORMATION - TM-9-6115-730-240039EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-9-6115-730-240041LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-9-6115-730-240042Figure 1. 200 kW Tactical Quiet Generator Location of Components (Sheet 2 of 6).Figure 1. 200 kW Tactical Quiet Generator Location of Components (Sheet 3 of 6).Figure 1. 200 kW Tactical Quiet Generator Location of Components (Sheet 4 of 6).Figure 1. 200 kW Tactical Quiet Generator Location of Components (Sheet 5 of 6).ALTERNATOR - TM-9-6115-730-240047LOAD BOARDDEAD CRANK SWITCH - TM-9-6115-730-240049GENERATOR HOUSINGEQUIPMENT DATA - TM-9-6115-730-240051Table 1. 200 kW TQG Equipment Data - TM-9-6115-730-240052THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-9-6115-730-240053ENGINE SENSORS - TM-9-6115-730-240054Speed InputFUEL SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-730-240056Figure 2. Fuel System.AUXILIARY FUEL SYSTEMELECTRONIC UNIT INJECTOR FUEL SYSTEMENGINE COOLING SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-730-240060LUBRICATION SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-730-240061Figure 5. Engine Lubrication System.Engine LubricationAIR INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-730-240064AC POWER OUTPUT - TM-9-6115-730-240065DC POWER DISTRIBUTION - TM-9-6115-730-240066Batteries - TM-9-6115-730-240067Engine Control Switch (ECS)BATTLE SHORT Switch (BSS) Input to ECM - TM-9-6115-730-240069SYNC MODE Switch (SMS)AC POWER DISTRIBUTION - TM-9-6115-730-240071Digital Voltage Regulator (DVR) A3 - TM-9-6115-730-240072ELECTRONIC MODULAR CONTROL PANEL (EMCP)GENERATOR SET CONTROL (GSC) - TM-9-6115-730-240074GSC Outputs - TM-9-6115-730-240075Table 1. GSC Display Relay Identification. - TM-9-6115-730-240076DIGITAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR (DVR A3) MODULEStartup ProfileLoading and Stopping Profile - TM-9-6115-730-240079LOAD SHARING MODULE (LSM A4) INTERNAL OPERATION - TM-9-6115-730-240080Speed Trim Summer - TM-9-6115-730-240081GENERATOR - TM-9-6115-730-240082WINTERIZATION KIT - TM-9-6115-730-240083COMMON TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240084Chapter 2. FIELD LEVEL TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240085WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240086INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-730-240087TQG TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240088GSC ALARM INDICATORS AND FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240089DIAGNOSTIC EVENTS AND EVENT CODES - TM-9-6115-730-240090GSC FAULT CODES - TM-9-6115-730-240091VIEWING FAULT LOG OP1 - TM-9-6115-730-240092FAULT LOG CLEARING OP4 - TM-9-6115-730-240093TRANSIENT CODES DURING TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240094DVR FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240095TROUBLESHOOTING USING MAINTENANCE SUPPORT DEVICE (MSD) AND ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TOOL - TM-9-6115-730-240096TROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240097GSC FAULT CODE - TM-9-6115-730-240098GSC FAULT CODE - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240099GSC FAULT CODE - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240100DVR FAULT CODE - TM-9-6115-730-240101FAILURES WITHOUT A FAULT CODEGSC ALARM INDICATORS AND FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240103TROUBLESHOOTING USING DEDICATED SHUTDOWN INDICATORS - TM-9-6115-730-240104OVERCRANK light - TM-9-6115-730-240105FAULT ALARM light flashing yellow. - TM-9-6115-730-240106Undiagnosed shutdown. - TM-9-6115-730-240107SP FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240109Low Fuel Level.Bus Frequency Fault (Paralleling Only)CORRECTIVE ACTION - TM-9-6115-730-240112AL FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240113High Coolant TemperatureLow Coolant Temperature - TM-9-6115-730-240115Fault Detected by Engine ECM - TM-9-6115-730-240116Generator Over Voltage - TM-9-6115-730-240117Generator Over Frequency - TM-9-6115-730-240118Generator Reverse Power - TM-9-6115-730-240119Phase Over CurrentPhase A No Voltage Input at GSC input (P7-10) - TM-9-6115-730-240121Incorrect Phase Sequence - Paralleling fault code - TM-9-6115-730-240122Improper Generator or Bus Voltage - Paralleling fault code - TM-9-6115-730-240123Synchronizer Time-out - Paralleling fault code - TM-9-6115-730-240124GSC FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240125TROUBLESHOOTING USING GSC FAULT CODES - TM-9-6115-730-240126TROUBLESHOOTING USING GSC FAULT CODES - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240127TROUBLESHOOTING USING GSC FAULT CODES - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-2401288 Volt Power Supply not Normal.Throttle Position Signal. - TM-9-6115-730-240130Fuel Pressure Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240131Fuel Pressure Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240132High Fuel Pressure Warning. - TM-9-6115-730-240133Derate Overridden.Oil Pressure Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240135Coolant Temperature Sensor.Low Coolant Sensor.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240138Electrical System Voltage. - TM-9-6115-730-240139Engine Oil Maintenance Required.Intake manifold air temperature sensor.CORRECTIVE ACTION ContinuedFuel Temperature Sensor.Loss of Engine Speed Signal. - TM-9-6115-730-240144Crankshaft (bottom) engine timing sensor.CAT Data Link. - TM-9-6115-730-240146ECM Self Test. - TM-9-6115-730-2401475 V Sensor Power Supply.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240149E-Stop Shutdown. - TM-9-6115-730-240150GSC Electronic Control. - TM-9-6115-730-240151GSC 8V Sensor Power Supply. - TM-9-6115-730-240152Turbo Outlet Pressure Sensor.Atmospheric Pressure Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240154Cool Down circuit (P7-36). - TM-9-6115-730-240155ENGINE CONTROL switch. - TM-9-6115-730-240156Camshaft (Top) Engine Timing Sensor.Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning (Active & Logged). - TM-9-6115-730-240158High engine coolant temperature warning (Active & Logged). - TM-9-6115-730-240159Overspeed Warning (Active and Logged). - TM-9-6115-730-240160Fuel Filter Restriction Warning (Active and Logged). - TM-9-6115-730-240161GSC Engine Governor Relay (EGR) Output. - TM-9-6115-730-240162GSC Generator Fault Relay (GFR) Output. - TM-9-6115-730-240163GSC Crank Termination Relay (CTR) Output. - TM-9-6115-730-240164CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240165GSC Run Relay (RR) Output. - TM-9-6115-730-240166GSC Fuel Control Relay (FCR) Output. - TM-9-6115-730-240167CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240168FMI 12 - Failed Component. - TM-9-6115-730-240169Ether Control Relay.Engine Electronic Control Module. - TM-9-6115-730-240171Customer Communication Module (CCM) Data Link. - TM-9-6115-730-240172Close Breaker Output.Speed Adjust 1 Output (P7-27 (+) and P7-28 (-).CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240175K1 Sense Input (P7-25). - TM-9-6115-730-240176Dead Bus Sense Input (P7-29). - TM-9-6115-730-240177AC Transformer Box (ATB) Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240178Bus Transformer Box (BTB) Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240179Turbo Air Inlet Pressure Sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240180Turbo air inlet pressure sensor. - TM-9-6115-730-240181DVR FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240183Internal Memory FailureInternal Watchdog FailureRotating Diode Defective.Reverse VAR (Alarm Fault) - TM-9-6115-730-240187Undervoltage.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240189Overvoltage.Overexcitation - TM-9-6115-730-240191Reverse VAR (Shutdown Fault) - TM-9-6115-730-240192Instantaneous Trip - TM-9-6115-730-240193Loss of FrequencyDVR Memory Failure (Severe Fault)FAILURES WITHOUT A FAULT CODE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240197Figure 1. SMMS Relay LocationCORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240199Setpoint Programming Error. - TM-9-6115-730-240200GSC Operation Is Erratic.Display Of Voltage on GSC is Zero For One or More Phases.Display of Current on GSC is Zero For One or More Phases.Display of Voltage on GSC is Inaccurate.Display of Current on GSC is Inaccurate.Display of Power on GSC is Inaccurate.Generator Produces Low Voltage Under No Load Condition.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240208Generator Produces Low Voltage When Load is Applied. - TM-9-6115-730-240209Generator Produces Fluctuating Voltage. - TM-9-6115-730-240210Generator Produces High Voltage. - TM-9-6115-730-240211Generator is Overheating.Improper Load. - TM-9-6115-730-240213Improper Engine Operation.Load Sharing Module (LSM) A4 Erratic Operation. - TM-9-6115-730-240215Load Sharing Module Malfunction.Starter Motor Defective.Engine Cranks But Will Not Start. - TM-9-6115-730-240218Engine Timing Incorrect.Ether Injection System Malfunction.Engine Misfires, Runs Rough, or is Unstable. - TM-9-6115-730-240221ECM may not be leaving cold mode operation. - TM-9-6115-730-240222Low Power/Poor or No Response to Throttle. - TM-9-6115-730-240223ECM may not be leaving cold mode operation. - TM-9-6115-730-240224Intermittent Engine Shut Downs. - TM-9-6115-730-240225Engine Timing.Excessive White Smoke. - TM-9-6115-730-240227Can Not Reach Operating Engine RPM. - TM-9-6115-730-240228Fuel Supply Problem. - TM-9-6115-730-240229Engine TemperaturePoor Acceleration or Response. - TM-9-6115-730-240231Electrical Connections FaultyPoor Fuel Consumption. - TM-9-6115-730-240233Engine Stalls at Low RPM. - TM-9-6115-730-240234Fuel Supply Problem. - TM-9-6115-730-240235Auxiliary Fuel Pump Does Not Operate. - TM-9-6115-730-240236Auxiliary Fuel Pump Relay.Engine Runs Out of Fuel With No LOW FUEL LEVEL Alarm. - TM-9-6115-730-240238Alternator Does Not Charge Batteries. - TM-9-6115-730-240239Coolant in Engine Oil. - TM-9-6115-730-240240Coolant Temperature Too High. - TM-9-6115-730-240241Air in Coolant. - TM-9-6115-730-240242Thermostat Malfunction. - TM-9-6115-730-240243ECM Will Not Communicate With Other Systems or Display Modules. - TM-9-6115-730-240244Engine Oil in Coolant. - TM-9-6115-730-240245Engine Oil in Exhaust System. - TM-9-6115-730-240246Engine Oil Temperature Too High. - TM-9-6115-730-240247Incorrect Oil Level.Engine Vibration. - TM-9-6115-730-240249Excessive Engine Oil Consumption. - TM-9-6115-730-240250Excessive Valve Lash. - TM-9-6115-730-240251Fuel in Engine Oil. - TM-9-6115-730-240252Intermittent Low Power or Power Cutout. - TM-9-6115-730-240253Low Engine Oil Pressure. - TM-9-6115-730-240254Oil Filter Defective.Mechanical Noise (Knock) in Engine. - TM-9-6115-730-240256Noise Coming From Cylinder. - TM-9-6115-730-240257ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING SOFTWARE INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240259Figure 1. Connecting Caterpillar Communication Adapter.LOADING ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) SOFTWARE - TM-9-6115-730-240261USING ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) SOFTWARE - TM-9-6115-730-240262Figure 2. Caterpillar ET Opening Screen. - TM-9-6115-730-240263Table 1. Caterpillar ET Tool Navigation Icons. - TM-9-6115-730-240264Diagnostics TestsFigure 3. Cat ET Diagnostic Tests. - TM-9-6115-730-240266ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240267ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (FIELD) LEVEL TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240268ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-730-240269Figure 1. 24 Vdc Electrical Circuits.ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240271Table 1. ECM Supply Voltage Test Points. - TM-9-6115-730-240272Table 2. + Battery Voltage Input to ECM Test Points.System Operation Description - TM-9-6115-730-240274CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240275Figure 3. Timing Sensors.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240277Figure 4. Ether Injection System Circuit.ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240279ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN (ET) TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240280Injector Solenoid Circuit Test. - TM-9-6115-730-240281Figure 5. Injector Solenoid Circuit.Cylinder 1 - 6 Injector SolenoidsCORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240284CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240285Table 3. Injector Solenoid Harness Terminals.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240287Speed Control Test. - TM-9-6115-730-240288Figure 6. Speed Control Circuits.Table 4. Speed Control Circuit Test Points.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240291Electronic Service Tool (Cat ET) will not communicate with ECM. - TM-9-6115-730-240292CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240293Engine Timing Sensor Calibrate. - TM-9-6115-730-240294Figure 7. Timing Calibration Plug.CORRECTIVE ACTION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240296Flash Programming - TM-9-6115-730-240297Engine Fuel Pressure Reading. - TM-9-6115-730-240298Engine StatusLoad Injector Code.CORRECTIVE ACTION - TM-9-6115-730-240301Chapter 3. UNIT (FIELD) LEVEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240303WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240304WORK PACKAGE INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-730-240305SERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-9-6115-730-240307PRELIMINARY CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENT OF EQUIPMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240308OUTPUT VOLTAGE SETTING - TM-9-6115-730-240309PMCS INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-730-240311INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-730-240312INSPECTION - TM-9-6115-730-240313PMCS COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS (TABLE 1)PMCS, INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240315Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-9-6115-730-240316Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240317Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240318Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240319Table 2. PMCS Mandatory Replacement Parts List. - TM-9-6115-730-240320LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240321Table 3. Engine Oil. - TM-9-6115-730-240322Table 6. Lubrication Requirements. - TM-9-6115-730-240323GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240325CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240326INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS RIGHT BATTERY ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240329Figure 1. Right Battery Access Door Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240330DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240331LEFT BATTERY ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240333Figure 1. Left Battery Access Door Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240334ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240335CONTROL BOX DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240337ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240338Figure 1. Control Box Door Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240339LEFT FRONT DOOR ASSEMBLY (LATCH) MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240341Figure 1. Left Front Door Assembly (Latch). - TM-9-6115-730-240342ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240343INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240344LEFT REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240345Figure 1. Left Rear Door Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 1. Left Rear Door Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240348INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240349LEFT REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY (LATCH) MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240351Figure 1. Left Rear Door Assembly (Latch) (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 1. Left Rear Door Assembly (Latch) (Sheet 2 of 2).DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240354INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240355LOAD BOARD DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240357Figure 1. Load Board Door Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240358ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240359RIGHT FRONT DOOR ASSEMBLY (LATCH) MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240361Figure 1. Right Front Door Assembly (Latch). - TM-9-6115-730-240362ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240363RIGHT FRONT DOOR ASSEMBLY AND STORAGE BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Right Front Door Assembly.DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240367REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240368Figure 2. Storage Box Assembly.RIGHT REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240371Figure 1. Right Rear Door Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240372DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240373RIGHT REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY (LATCH) MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240375Figure 1. Right Rear Door Assembly (Latch). - TM-9-6115-730-240376DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240377ACCESS COVERS MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240379INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240380Figure 1. Access Covers. - TM-9-6115-730-240381FRONT ROOF SECTION HOUSING ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240383REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240384Figure 1. Front Roof Section Housing Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240385Figure 1. Front Roof Section Housing Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240386ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240387REAR ROOF SECTION HOUSING ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240389Figure 1. Rear Roof Section Housing Assembly.DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240391ENGINE GENERATOR COMPARTMENT CEILING ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240393REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240394Figure 1. Engine Generator Compartment Ceiling Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240395INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240396GENERATOR ACCESS COVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240397ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240398Figure 1. Generator Access Cover Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240399FRONT SECTION HOUSING ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240401Figure 1. Front Section Housing Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240402Figure 1. Front Section Housing Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240403DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240404INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240405REAR SECTION HOUSING ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240407Figure 1. Rear Section Housing Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240408DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240409LEFT CENTER PANEL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240411Figure 1. Left Center Panel Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240412INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240413RIGHT CENTER PANEL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240415Figure 1. Right Center Panel Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240416INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240417RIGHT REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240419INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240420Figure 1. Right Rear Panel Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240421LEFT REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240423Figure 1. Left Rear Panel Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240424DOOR SUPPORT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240425Figure 1. Door Support Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240426INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240427CONTROL BOX PANEL ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240429Table 1. WP 0041 Guide. - TM-9-6115-730-240430Figure 1. Control Box Panel Assembly (Sheet 1 of 4). - TM-9-6115-730-240431Figure 1. Control Box Panel Assembly (Sheet 2 of 4). - TM-9-6115-730-240432Figure 1. Control Box Panel Assembly (Sheet 3 of 4). - TM-9-6115-730-240433Figure 1. Control Box Panel Assembly (Sheet 4 of 4). - TM-9-6115-730-240434DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240435VOLTAGE Adjust Potentiometer Test - TM-9-6115-730-240436FREQUENCY Adjust Potentiometer Test - TM-9-6115-730-240437ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240438INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240439CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240441Figure 1. Control Box. - TM-9-6115-730-240442Table 1. WP 0042 Guide.Table 1. WP 0042 Guide - Continued.Figure 2. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 1 of 5). - TM-9-6115-730-240445Figure 2. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 2 of 5).Figure 2. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 3 of 5).Figure 2. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 4 of 5).Figure 2. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 5 of 5).DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240450ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240451ASSEMBLY - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240452INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240453LSM A4 LOAD GAIN ADJUSTMENTRESISTOR ASSEMBLY A7 MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240455Figure 1. Resistor Assembly A7. - TM-9-6115-730-240456TEST - TM-9-6115-730-240457CONTROL BOX HARNESS ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240459REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240460RECONNECTION TERMINAL BOARD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240461Figure 1. Reconnection Terminal Board Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240462ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240463LOAD TERMINAL BOARD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240465Figure 1. Load Terminal Board Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 1. Load Terminal Board Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240468ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240469BATTERY CABLE ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240471REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240472Figure 1. Battery Cable Assemblies (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240473Figure 1. Battery Cable Assemblies (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240474INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240475INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240476POWER CABLE ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240477Figure 1. Power Cable Assemblies. - TM-9-6115-730-240478REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240479INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240480MAIN LOAD CONTACTOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Main Load Contactor.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240483BATTERIES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240485REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240486Figure 1. Batteries.TEST AND INSPECTION - TM-9-6115-730-240488INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240489BATTERY DISCONNECT SWITCH MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240491REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240492Figure 1. Battery Disconnect Switch. - TM-9-6115-730-240493CURRENT TRANSFORMERS MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240496Figure 1. Current Transformers (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 1. Current Transformers (Sheet 2 of 2).INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240499POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240501Figure 1. Potential Transformer. - TM-9-6115-730-240502INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240503SLAVE RECEPTACLE MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240505REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240506Figure 1. Slave Receptacle. - TM-9-6115-730-240507INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240508ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240509Table 1. WP 0055 Guide.Figure 1. Electrical Installation (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 1. Electrical Installation (Sheet 2 of 2).REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240513INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240514INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240515FUEL LEVEL SWITCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240517Figure 1. Fuel Level Switch Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240518INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240519FUEL HOSES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240521REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240522Figure 1. Fuel Hoses (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 1. Fuel Hoses (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 1. Fuel Hoses (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 1. Fuel Hoses (Sheet 4 of 4).INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240527INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240528FUEL PICKUP TUBE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240529Figure 1. Fuel Pickup Tube Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240530INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240531AUXILIARY FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCESERVICING - TM-9-6115-730-240534Figure 1. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Assembly.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240536FUEL COOLER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240537REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240538Figure 1. Fuel Cooler (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240539Figure 1. Fuel Cooler (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240540WATER SEPARATOR FILTER AND BRACKET MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240541DRAININGFigure 1. Water Separator Filter and Bracket. - TM-9-6115-730-240543WATER SEPARATOR FILTER REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240544FUEL LEVEL SENDER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240545Figure 1. Fuel Level Sender (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240546Figure 1. Fuel Level Sender (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240547TEST AND INSPECTION - TM-9-6115-730-240548INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240549FUEL TANK MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240551REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240552Figure 1. Fuel Tank Maintenance. - TM-9-6115-730-240553INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240554COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240555REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240556Figure 1. Coolant Recovery System. - TM-9-6115-730-240557SURGE TANK MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240559REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240560Figure 1. Surge Tank. - TM-9-6115-730-240561INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240562FAN AND FAN GUARDS MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240563Table 1. WP 0066 Guide.Figure 1. Fan and Fan Guards (Sheet 1 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240565Figure 1. Fan and Fan Guards (Sheet 2 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240566Figure 1. Fan and Fan Guards (Sheet 3 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240567REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240568INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240569INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240570INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240571COOLANT HOSE ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240573REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240574Figure 1. Coolant Hose Assemblies (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 1. Coolant Hose Assemblies (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 1. Coolant Hose Assemblies (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 1. Coolant Hose Assemblies (Sheet 4 of 4).REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240579INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240580RADIATOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240581REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240582Figure 1. Radiator Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240583Figure 1. Radiator Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240584REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240585INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240586INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240587EXHAUST SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240589REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240590Figure 1. Exhaust System. - TM-9-6115-730-240591INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240592CRANKCASE VENTILATION FILTER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240593REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240594Figure 1. Crankcase Ventilation Filter. - TM-9-6115-730-240595AIR CLEANER FILTER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240597REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240598Figure 1. Air Cleaner Filter. - TM-9-6115-730-240599AIR CLEANER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240601REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240602Figure 1. Air Cleaner System (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240603Figure 1. Air Cleaner System (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240604INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240605ETHER INJECTION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240608Figure 1. Ether Injection Assembly.ALTERNATOR MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240611REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240612Figure 1. Alternator. - TM-9-6115-730-240613ALTERNATOR BELT MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240616Figure 1. Alternator Belt.BELT TENSION ADJUSTMENTSTARTER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240619REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240620Figure 1. Starter. - TM-9-6115-730-240621TENSIONER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240623REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240624Figure 1. Tensioner. - TM-9-6115-730-240625FUEL PRIMING PUMP MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240627REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240628Figure 1. Fuel Priming Pump. - TM-9-6115-730-240629OIL FILTER MAINTENANCE AND OIL CHANGE - TM-9-6115-730-240631FILTER REMOVAL AND OIL DRAIN - TM-9-6115-730-240632Figure 1. Oil Filter Maintenance and Oil Change. - TM-9-6115-730-240633OIL SAMPLING - TM-9-6115-730-240634FUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240635Figure 1. Fuel Filter. - TM-9-6115-730-240636INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240637THERMOSTAT MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240639REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240640Figure 1. Thermostat. - TM-9-6115-730-240641ENGINE CONTROL MODULE MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240643REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240644Figure 1. Engine Control Module. - TM-9-6115-730-240645REPROGRAMMING - TM-9-6115-730-240647REPROGRAMMING DVR PARAMETERS FOR VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CHANGE - TM-9-6115-730-240648REPROGRAMMING OR VERIFYING DVR PARAMETERS - TM-9-6115-730-240649Table 2. 200 kW TQG DVR Programming Parameters.Table 2. 200 kW TQG DVR Programming Parameters - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240651Table 2. 200 kW TQG DVR Programming Parameters - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240652REPROGRAMMING GSC SETPOINTS FOR VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CHANGE - TM-9-6115-730-240653REPROGRAMMING GSC SETPOINTS FOR VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CHANGE - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240654REPROGRAMMING OR VERIFYING GSC SETPOINTS - TM-9-6115-730-240655REPROGRAMMING OR VERIFYING GSC SETPOINTS - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240656Table 4. 200 kW OP5-0 Engine/Generator Setpoint Programming.Table 4. 200 kW OP5-0 Engine/Generator Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240658Table 4. 200 kW OP5-0 Engine/Generator Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240659Table 4. 200 kW OP5-0 Engine/Generator Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240660Table 4. 200 kW OP5-0 Engine/Generator Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240661Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming. - TM-9-6115-730-240662Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240663Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240664Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240665Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240666Table 5. OP5-1 Protective Relaying Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240667Table 6. OP5-3 Synchronization Setpoint Programming. - TM-9-6115-730-240668Table 6. OP5-3 Synchronization Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240669Table 7. OP6 Spare Input/Output Setpoint Programming. - TM-9-6115-730-240670Table 7. OP6 Spare Input/Output Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240671Table 7. OP6 Spare Input/Output Setpoint Programming - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240672Table 8. OP8 Voltmeter Ammeter Programming. - TM-9-6115-730-240673INSTALLATION OF GENERATOR SET ON TRAILER - TM-9-6115-730-240675Figure 1. Installation of Generator Set on Trailer. - TM-9-6115-730-240676INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240677PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240679PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240680Figure 1. Preparation for Storage or Shipment.LONG TERM STORAGE - TM-9-6115-730-240682ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS - TM-9-6115-730-240683TORQUE LIMITS - TM-9-6115-730-240685Table 1. Standard Dry Torque Limits. - TM-9-6115-730-240686Table 2. Metric Dry Torque Limits. - TM-9-6115-730-240687Table 2. Metric Dry Torque Limits - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240688WIRE LISTS - TM-9-6115-730-240689INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-730-240690HARNESS INSPECTION PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-730-240691Wire Insulation Damage InspectionTerminal Retention into Socket Inspection - TM-9-6115-730-240693Figure 1. Engine Sensors (Sheet 1 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240694Figure 1. Engine Sensors (Sheet 2 of 2). - TM-9-6115-730-240695Figure 2. Wire Harness Connectors (Sheet 1 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240696Figure 2. Wire Harness Connectors (Sheet 2 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240697Figure 2. Wire Harness Connectors (Sheet 3 of 3). - TM-9-6115-730-240698Table 1. Control Panel Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240699Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240700Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240701Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240702Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240703Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240704Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240705Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240706Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240707Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240708Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240709Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240710Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240711Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240712Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240713Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240714Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240715Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240716Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240717Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240718Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240719Table 1. Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240720Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240721Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240722Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240723Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240724Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240725Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240726Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240727Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240728Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240729Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240730Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240731Table 2. Generator Set Harness (Generator, Engine, Control Panel) Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240732Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240733Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240734Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240735Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240736Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240737Table 3. ECM to EMCP Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240738Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240739Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240740Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240741Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240742Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240743Table 4. Engine Harness Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240744Table 5. Engine Harness to Unit Injectors Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240745Table 5. Engine Harness to Unit Injectors Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240746Table 6. Winterization Control Panel Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240747Table 6. Winterization Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240748Table 6. Winterization Control Panel Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240749Table 7. Winterization Kit Heater Cable Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240750Table 7. Winterization Kit Heater Cable Wire List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240751Table 8. Winterization Kit Power Cable Wire List. - TM-9-6115-730-240752Chapter 4. UNIT (FIELD) LEVEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WINTERIZATION KIT - TM-9-6115-730-240753WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240754WINTERIZATION HEATER CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240755Figure 1. Winterization Heater Control Box Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240756DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240757ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240758WINTERIZATION HEATER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240759REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240760Figure 1. Winterization Heater Assembly. - TM-9-6115-730-240761INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240762WINTERIZATION HEATER HOSES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240763REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240764Figure 1. Winterization Heater Hoses.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240766WINTERIZATION THERMOSTAT, RESISTORS, AND DIODE MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240767REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240768Figure 1. Winterization Thermostat, Resistors, and Diode. - TM-9-6115-730-240769INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240770WINTERIZATION WIRING HARNESSES MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240771REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240772Figure 1. Winterization Wiring Harnesses. - TM-9-6115-730-240773Chapter 5. DIRECT SUPPORT (FIELD) LEVEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-730-240775WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240776GENERATOR REPAIRDISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240778Figure 1. Generator Repair. - TM-9-6115-730-240779CLEANING - TM-9-6115-730-240780ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240781ASSEMBLY - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240782ASSEMBLY - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240783GENERATOR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240785REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240786Figure 1. Generator.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240788ENGINE REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240789REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240790Figure 1. Engine.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240792INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240793ENGINE/GENERATOR BASE ASSEMBLY REPAIR - TM-9-6115-730-240795REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240796ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM REPAIR - TM-9-6115-730-240797Table 1. WP 0098 Guide.Figure 1. Engine Electrical System Repair (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 1. Engine Electrical System Repair (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 1. Engine Electrical System Repair (Sheet 3 of 3).REMOVAL - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240802INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240803INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240804FAN PULLEY MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240805Figure 1. Fan Pulley. - TM-9-6115-730-240806INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240807VALVE COVER AND BASE MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240810Figure 1. Valve Cover and Base (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 1. Valve Cover and Base (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 1. Valve Cover and Base (Sheet 3 of 3).FUEL FILTER BASE AND MANIFOLD MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240816Figure 1. Fuel Filter Base and Manifold.FUEL TRANSFER PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Fuel Transfer Pump. - TM-9-6115-730-240820INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240821TURBOCHARGER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240823REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240824Figure 1. Turbocharger. - TM-9-6115-730-240825INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240826CRANKSHAFT VIBRATION DAMPER AND PULLEY MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240828Figure 1. Crankshaft Vibration Damper and Pulley.CRANKSHAFT FRONT SEAL MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240831REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240832Figure 1. Crankshaft Front Seal. - TM-9-6115-730-240833FRONT COVER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240835REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240836Figure 1. Front Cover. - TM-9-6115-730-240837OIL FILTER BASE MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240840Figure 1. Oil Filter Base.ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240842OIL COOLER MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240843REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240844Figure 1. Oil Cooler.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240846OIL PUMP MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240847Figure 1. Oil Pump.DISASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240849ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240850WATER PUMP MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240851Figure 1. Water Pump. - TM-9-6115-730-240852INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240853FLYWHEEL MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240855REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240856Figure 1. Flywheel. - TM-9-6115-730-240857CRANKSHAFT REAR SEAL MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Crankshaft Rear Seal.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240861FLYWHEEL HOUSING MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240863REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240864Figure 1. Flywheel Housing. - TM-9-6115-730-240865CRANKSHAFT REAR SEAL CARRIER MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240868Figure 1. Crankshaft Rear Seal Carrier.EXHAUST MANIFOLD MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240871REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240872Figure 1. Exhaust Manifold. - TM-9-6115-730-240873INLET MANIFOLD MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240876Figure 1. Inlet Manifold.OIL PAN MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240880Figure 1. Oil Pan.UNIT INJECTOR MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240883REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240884Figure 1. Unit Injector. - TM-9-6115-730-240885ROCKER SHAFT AND PUSHROD MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240888Figure 1. Rocker Shaft and Pushrod Removal and Installation.INSPECTION OF INSTALLED ITEMSASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-730-240891VALVE LASH CHECK - TM-9-6115-730-240892Table 1. Crankshaft Positions for Valve Lash Setting. - TM-9-6115-730-240893VALVE LASH ADJUSTMENT - TM-9-6115-730-240894VALVE LASH ADJUSTMENT - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240895CYLINDER HEAD MAINTENANCE - TM-9-6115-730-240897REMOVAL - TM-9-6115-730-240898Figure 1. Cylinder Head.INSTALLATION - TM-9-6115-730-240900INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240901Chapter 6. GENERAL SUPPORT Moved to Sustainment (NMWR) - TM-9-6115-730-240903Chapter 7. SUPPORTING INFORMATION - TM-9-6115-730-240905WORK PACKAGE INDEX - TM-9-6115-730-240906REFERENCES - TM-9-6115-730-240907DETAIL SPECIFICATIONMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-730-240911Maintenance Functions - TM-9-6115-730-240912Explanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-9-6115-730-240913Explanation of Columns in the Remarks - TM-9-6115-730-240914Table 1. MAC.Table 1. MAC - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240916Table 1. MAC - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240917Table 1. MAC - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240918Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment Requirements. - TM-9-6115-730-240919Table 3. Remarks. - TM-9-6115-730-240920Table 3. Remarks - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240921EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-6115-730-240923Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - TM-9-6115-730-240924Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240925Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240926Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - Continued. - TM-9-6115-730-240927GLOSSARY - TM-9-6115-730-240929GLOSSARY - Continued - TM-9-6115-730-240930TM-9-6115-730-24 Generator Set Skid Mounted Tactical Quiet 200 kw 50/60 Hz MEP-809A Manual