TM 9-6115-729-24
MIL-DTL 83133E
Turbine Fuels, Aviation, Kerosene Types NATO F-34 (JP-8), NATO F-35, and JP8+10
TO 00-350-54
Unsatisfactory Equipment Reporting
TM 3-220
TM 9-214
Inspection, Care, and Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings
TM 9-238
Deepwater Fording of Ordnance Material
TM 9-247
Materials Used for Cleaning, Preserving, Abrading, and Cementing Ordnance Material
and Related Material Including Chemicals
TM 43-0139
Painting Instructions for Army Materiel
TM 4700-15
Operation and Maintenance of Ground Equipment
TM 55-1500-323-24
Installation Practices for Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Wiring
TM 740-90-1/TO 35-1-4 Administrative Storage of Equipment
TM 750-244-2
Procedures for Destruction of Electronics Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use
TM 9-6115-729-10
Operator Manual Tactical Quiet Generator Set, Skid Mounted, 100 kW, 50/60 Hz MEP-
807A and Tactical Quiet Generator Set, Trailer Mounted, 100 kW, 50/60 Hz, PU-807A
TM 9-6115-729-24P
Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists for Tactical Quiet Generator Set, Skid Mounted,
100 kW, 50/60 Hz MEP-807A and Tactical Quiet Generator Set, Trailer Mounted,
100 kW, 50/60 Hz, PU-807A
TM 9-2330-376-14&P Operator's, Organizational, DS, and GS Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts and
Special Tools Lists for Trailer, 5-Ton, 4-Wheel, GEMSS, XM979; Trailer, Flatbed: 5-Ton,
4-Wheel, XM1061/M1061A1; and Trailer, General Purpose, Flatbed: 7-1/2-Ton, XM1073
0117-3/4 blank