Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0023PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT.WARRANTY INFORMATION. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0025Figure 1-1. Military Tactical Generator (MTG) Set - 2 kWSECTION II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0027DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS.Figure 1-2. Location of Major Generator Set ComponentsEQUIPMENT DATA. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0030Table 1-1. Leading Particulars - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0031Table 1-1. Leading Particulars ContinuedSECTION III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONFigure 1-3. Generator Set Fuel System - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0034Figure 1-4. Engine Air Intake and Exhaust SystemSPEED CONTROL SYSTEM.Figure 1-5. Diesel Engine GovernorDIESEL ENGINE ELECTRICAL STARTING SYSTEM.Figure 1-6. Diesel Engine Electrical Starting SystemGENERATOR VOLTAGE REGULATION AND OUTPUT SUPPLY (MEP-531A).Figure 1-7. Generator Voltage Regulation System (MEP-531A)Figure 1-8. Generator Output Supply System (MEP-531A)GENERATOR VOLTAGE REGULATION AND OUTPUT SUPPLY (MEP-501A).Figure 1-9. Generator Voltage Regulation System (MEP-501A)GENERATOR CONTROL CIRCUIT.Figure 1-10. Generator Output Supply System (MEP-501A)Figure 1-11. Generator Control CircuitLOW OIL PRESSURE PROTECTION.Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0049Figure 2-1. Operator's Controls and Indicators (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 2-1. Operator's Controls and Indicators (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 2-1. Operator's Controls and Indicators (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 2-1. Operator's Controls and Indicators (Sheet 4 of 4)Table 2-1. Operator Controls and IndicatorsTable 2-1. Operator Controls and Indicators ContinuedSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0056PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0057Table 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0059Table 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0060Table 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0061Table 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0062Table 2-2. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0063Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0064Figure 2-2. Grounding Connections (Typical Installation)Figure 2-3. Installation of Load CablesFigure 2-4. Fuel Filter Bleed ScrewsINITIAL ADJUSTMENTS AND CHECKS.Manual Starting [23F (-5C) to 122F (50C)].Figure 2-5. Air Intake Cover, Normal OperationElectric Starting [23F (-5C) to 122F (50C)].Electric Starting [Between 23F (-5C) to -5F (-21C)].Figure 2-6. Engine RUN and STOP ControlsElectric Starting [Between -5F (-21C) to -25F (-32C)].Figure 2-7. Air Intake Cover, Cold OperationFigure 2-8. Adding Oil Cylinder Head Cover OpeningIDENTIFICATION AND INSTRUCTION PLATES.Figure 2-9. Identification and Instruction Plates (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-9. Identification and Instruction Plates (Sheet 2 of 2)Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0080Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas.NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES.Chapter 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0084Table 3-1. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Manual Starting) TroubleshootingTable 3-2. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Electric Starting) TroubleshootingTable 3-3. Diesel Engine Runs Rough TroubleshootingTable 3-4. Voltage Output Drops TroubleshootingTable 3-5. Generator Set Vibrating/Bouncing Excessively TroubleshootingTable 3-6. No Voltage Indication on VOLTS Meter (M2) TroubleshootingTable 3-7. Voltage Indication on VOLTS Meter (M2) is High, Low, or Fluctuating TroubleshootingTable 3-8. No Indication on %LOAD Meter (M1) With Load Applied TroubleshootingTable 3-9. No Indication on HERTZ Frequency Meter (M4) (MEP-531A) TroubleshootingTable 3-10. HOURS Meter (M3) Not Operating TroubleshootingTable 3-11. Excessive Voltage Drop When Applying Load TroubleshootingSection III. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0096Figure 3-1. Fuse (F1) ReplacementChapter 4. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. REPAIR PARTS; TOOLS; SPECIAL TOOLS; TEST, MEASUREMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT (TMDE); AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENTSection III. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTFigure 4-1. Oil LevelINSTALLATION. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0103Section IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0105PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. (cont)Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0108Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0109Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0110DETAILED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES.Figure 4-2. Fuel Filter Element ReplacementAir Filter Element Replacement.Fuel Injector Replacement.Figure 4-4. Fuel Injector ReplacementFigure 4-5. AC Alternator BrushesAlternator Flexible Coupling Inspection. (MEP-501A)Engine Resilient Mounts Replacement.Alternator Resilient Mount Replacement. (MEP-531A)Alternator Resilient Mount Replacement. (MEP-501A)Cylinder Head Nuts Tightening.Intake and Exhaust Valve Adjustment.Figure 4-10. T Position MarkSection V. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0124SymptomTable 4-2. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Manual Starting) TroubleshootingTable 4-3. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Electric Starting) Troubleshooting (Sheet 1 of 2)Table 4-3. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Electric Starting) Troubleshooting (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-4. Diesel Engine Hard To Start TroubleshootingTable 4-5. Diesel Engine Starts But Fails to Keep Running TroubleshootingTable 4-6. Diesel Engine Runs Erratic Troubleshooting (Sheet 1 of 2)Table 4-6. Diesel Engine Runs Erratic Troubleshooting (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-7. Unexpected Reverse Rotation at Startup TroubleshootingTable 4-8. Diesel Engine Stops During Operation Troubleshooting (Sheet 1 of 2)Table 4-8. Diesel Engine Stops During Operation Troubleshooting (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-9. Diesel Engine Exhausts Black Smoke TroubleshootingTable 4-10. Diesel Engine Exhausts Blue-White Smoke TroubleshootingTable 4-11. Recoil Start Rope Hard to Pull TroubleshootingTable 4-12. Voltage Output Drops (MEP-531A) TroubleshootingTable 4-13. Voltage Output Drops (MEP-501A) TroubleshootingTable 4-14. Generator Set Vibrating/Bouncing Excessively TroubleshootingTable 4-15. No Voltage Indication On VOLTS Meter (M2) TroubleshootingTable 4-16. No Indication On %LOAD Meter (M1) Troubleshooting (MEP-531A)Table 4-17. No Indication On %LOAD Meter (M1) Troubleshooting (MEP-501A)Table 4-18. No Indication On HERTZ Frequency Meter (M4) Troubleshooting (MEP-531A)Table 4-19. No Indication On HOURS Meter (M3) TroubleshootingTable 4-20. No Output From Alternator Troubleshooting (MEP-531A)Table 4-21. No Output From Alternator Troubleshooting (MEP-501A)Table 4-22. Air Intake Preheaters Do Not Operate TroubleshootingTable 4-23. Cannot Adjust Alternator Output With VOLTAGE ADJ. Potentiometer TroubleshootingSection VI. UNIT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFUEL LINES, CLAMPS, FITTINGS, ETC.FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY.Removal. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0154FUEL DRAIN COCK.FUEL TANK ASSEMBLY.Disassembly. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0157Figure 4-15. Fuel Tank AssemblyAssembly. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0159AIR INTAKE SYSTEM COMPONENTS.EXHAUST SYSTEM COMPONENTS.Figure 4-17. Exhaust System ComponentsCONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0163Figure 4-19. Control Panel AssemblyINSTRUCTION PLATE (S).INSTRUMENT COVER.INSTRUMENT PANEL. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0167Figure 4-22. Instrument PanelRepair. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0169HERTZ FREQUENCY METER. (MEP-531A)VOLTS METER.Testing. (VOLTS DC Meter)%LOAD METER.Testing. (MEP-531A)Removal. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0175HOURS METER.Testing. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0177VOLTAGE ADJ. POTENTIOMETER.Removal. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0179INSTRUMENT SHUNT. (MEP-501A)Figure 4-28. Instrument Shunt (MEP-501A)CAPACITOR. (MEP-501A)TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR ASSEMBLY. (MEP-501A)Figure 4-30. Transient Suppressor Assembly (MEP-501A)FUSEHOLDER (S).GROUND STRAP (S).GFCI RECEPTACLE AND RECEPTACLE COVER. (MEP-531A)Figure 4-33. GFCI Receptacle and Receptacle Cover (MEP-531A)START-PREHEAT/PREHEAT/OFF/START ROTARY SWITCH.Figure 4-34. START-PREHEAT/PREHEAT/OFF/START Rotary SwitchDISCHARGE VARISTOR.NATO SLAVE RECEPTACLE.LOAD TERMINAL (S). (MEP-501A AND MECHRON SETS)Figure 4-37. Load Terminal(s) (MEP-501A and Mechron Sets)TERMINAL BOARD.Figure 4-38. Terminal BoardLOAD TERMINAL BOARD. (MEP-501A AND MECHRON SETS).ON-OFF LOAD CIRCUIT BREAKER ASSEMBLY AND BOOT.Testing. (MEP-501A)Figure 4-40. ON-OFF Load Circuit Breaker Assembly and BootFLYWHEEL DIODE ASSEMBLY.DIESEL ENGINE WIRING HARNESS AND GASKET, CONTROL PANEL.Testing. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0203ALTERNATOR WIRING HARNESS AND GASKET, CONTROL PANEL.Testing. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0205Figure 4-43. Alternator Wiring Harness and Gasket, Control PanelELECTRICAL LEAD WIRE (S) (TYPICAL).LOAD TERMINAL BOARD COVER (LUG COVER).Figure 4-45. Load Terminal Board Cover (Lug Cover)EMI FILTER (MEP-531A).Figure 4-46. EMI Filter (MEP-531A)LOW OIL PRESSURE (LOP) SWITCH.Figure 4-47. Low Oil Pressure (LOP) SwitchLOW OIL PRESSURE (LOP) SOLENOID ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-48. Low Oil Pressure (LOP) Solenoid AssemblyLOW OIL PRESSURE (LOP) ENGINE SHUTDOWN CABLE.Figure 4-49. Low Oil Pressure (LOP) Engine Shutdown CableAIR INTAKE HEATING ELEMENTS AND PIPE.Figure 4-51. Air Intake Heating Elements and PipeGOVERNOR REGULATOR BRACKET.Figure 4-52. Governor Regulator BracketFigure 4-53. Governor Spring PositioningCOOLING FAN COVER.RECOIL STARTER ASSEMBLY.ENGINE OIL STRAINER.Cleaning and Inspection.VALVE COVER.STARTER ASSEMBLY. (MEP-501A)Figure 4-59. Starter AssemblyFigure 4-60. Engine Wiring HarnessALTERNATOR WIRING HARNESS. (MEP-501A)Figure 4-61. Alternator Wiring HarnessPREHEATER LEAD.GROUND STUD TERMINAL.FRAME. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0235Figure 4-64. FrameSection VII. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT AND STORAGEPACKING.Chapter 5. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0239Section II. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0240Symptom Index.Table 5-1. Diesel Engine Will Not Start (Manual Starting) TroubleshootingTable 5-2. Diesel Engine Hard To Start TroubleshootingTable 5-3. Diesel Engine Starts But Fails to Keep Running TroubleshootingTable 5-4. Diesel Engine Runs Rough TroubleshootingTable 5-5. Unexpected Reverse Rotation at Startup TroubleshootingTable 5-6. Diesel Engine Races Exceeding Governed Speed TroubleshootingTable 5-7. Diesel Engine Runs Unevenly (Surges) TroubleshootingTable 5-8. Diesel Engine Seizes During Operation TroubleshootingTable 5-9. Diesel Engine Exhausts Black Smoke TroubleshootingTable 5-10. Diesel Engine Exhausts Blue-White Smoke TroubleshootingTable 5-11. Recoil Start Rope Hard To Pull TroubleshootingTable 5-12. Voltage Output Drops TroubleshootingTable 5-14. No Indication On HOURS Meter (M3) TroubleshootingTable 5-15. No Output Voltage (MEP-531A) TroubleshootingTable 5-16. No Output Voltage (MEP-501A) TroubleshootingTable 5-17. Cannot Adjust Alternator Output With VOLTAGE ADJ. Potentiometer TroubleshootingTable 5-18. Generator Set Vibrating/Bouncing Excessively (MEP-531A) TroubleshootingSection III. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0260GENERATOR CONTROL UNIT.Testing (MEP-501A). - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0262Testing (MEP-501A). (cont)Figure 5-1. Generator Control Unit (MEP-531A)VOLTAGE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY.Testing (MEP-501A). - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0266Figure 5-2. Voltage Regulator Assembly (MEP-531A)DIESEL ENGINE WIRING HARNESS, CONTROL PANEL.ENGINE/ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY.Figure 5-3 Engine/Alternator AssemblyDIESEL ENGINE.STARTER. (MEP-531A)ROCKER ARMS AND PUSH RODS.Inspection. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0274CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY.Figure 5-6. Cylinder Head AssemblyINTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVES.Figure 5-7. Intake and Exhaust ValvesFigure 5-9. Measuring Valve SinkageFUEL INJECTION PUMP.Figure 5-11. Fuel Injection Pump RemovalFigure 5-12. Governor Linkage SettingFigure 5-13. Fuel Injection Limitation SettingFigure 5-14. T Position MarkCRANKCASE COVER.Figure 5-15. Crankcase CoverOIL PUMP ASSEMBLY.Figure 5-16. Oil Pump AssemblyCAMSHAFT.Figure 5-17. CamshaftFigure 5-18. Positioning Camshaft Bearing in Cylinder BlockBALANCER SHAFT.PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY.Figure 5-22. Piston and Connecting Rod AssemblyFigure 5-23. Measuring Piston Ring WidthFigure 5-24. Measuring Side Clearance Between Ring and Piston GrooveFigure 5-26. Measuring Large End Hole DiameterFigure 5-27. Measuring Crank Pin ClearanceFLYWHEEL.Figure 5-29. Flywheel Locking HandleFigure 5-31. Flywheel ExtractorFigure 5-32. Crankshaft AssemblyFigure 5-33. Positioning Crankshaft Bearing in Crankcase Cover.DYNAMO.Removal. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0305GOVERNOR GEAR.Figure 5-36. Governor GearCYLINDER BLOCK.Figure 5-38. Cylinder BlockAC ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY. (MEP-531A)Figure 5-39. AC Alternator Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-39. AC Alternator Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 2 of 2)Inspection. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0313Assembly. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0314Table 5-19. Power Harness Connector Plug ConnectionsInstallation. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0316AC ALTERNATOR BEARING. (MEP-531A)DC ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY. (MEP-501A)Figure 5-41. DC Alternator Installation (MEP-501A)Inspection. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0320Figure 5-42. DC Alternator AssemblyFigure 5-43. Heatsink Tie Point LocationsFigure 5-44. Brush Assembly TestFigure 5-46. Rotor TestInstallation. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0325DC ALTERNATOR BEARINGS. (MEP-501A)DC ALTERNATOR DIODES AND CAPACITORS. (MEP-501A)Testing. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0328Figure 5-48. Diodes and Capacitor ReplacementFRAME. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0330Installation. - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0331Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0333TECHNICAL BULLETINS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0334Appendix B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0335MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0336EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION II - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0337EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN REMARKS, SECTION IV - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0338Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531ASection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531A (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0340Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531A (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0341Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531A (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0342Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531A (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0343Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531A (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0344Section III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR MEP-501A AND MEP-531ASection IV. REMARKS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0346Appendix C. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTS (BIIL)EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0348Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0349Appendix D. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - 2 kW Military Tactical Generator SetsAppendix E. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTAppendix F. UNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSection I. INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0357Source Code - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0358Source Code (cont)Maintenance Code - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0360Recoverability Code - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0361Part Number [Column (4)]EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS (Section IV) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0363SPECIAL INFORMATION - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0364HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0365Figure F-1. Generator Set Assembly, 2kW (MEP531A/501A) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure F-1. Generator Set Assembly, 2kW (MEP-531A/501A) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0369Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0370Figure F-2. Frame Assembly (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0373Figure F-3. Fuel System Assembly (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0375Figure F-4. Fuel Tank AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0377Figure F-5. Fuel Filter AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0379Figure F-6. Engine Alternator Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure F-6. Engine Alternator Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0383Figure F-7. Engine Alternator Assembly (MEP-501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0385Figure F-8. Diesel Engine ModifiedRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0387Figure F-9. Diesel Engine AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0389Figure F-10. Cylinder Block InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0391Figure F-11. Cylinder Head InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0393Figure F-12. Air Intake Pipe and MufflerRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0395Figure F-13. Cam/Crankshaft/Balancer InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0397Figure F-14. Piston and Rod AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0399Figure F-15. Lube Oil Pump and GovernorRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0401Figure F-16. Cooling/Starting InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0403Figure F-17. Fuel Injection Pump/Injector InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0405Figure F-18. Starting Motor and Dynamo InstallationRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0407Figure F-19. AC Alternator Assembly (MEP-531A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0409Figure F-20. DC Alternator Assembly (MEP-501A) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure F-20. DC Alternator Assembly (MEP-501A) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0413Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0414Figure F-21. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure F-21. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure F-21. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-531A) (Sheet 3 of 3)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0419Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0420Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0421Figure F-22. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-501A) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure F-22. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-501A) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure F-22. Control Panel Assembly (MEP-501A) (Sheet 3 of 3)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0425Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0426Figure F-23. Control Panel Construction (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0429Figure F-24. Voltage Adjust PotentiometerRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0431Figure F-25. LOP Shutdown Solenoid AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0433Figure F-26. Control Panel Engine Wiring Harnesses (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0435Figure F-27. Control Panel Alternator Wiring Harnesses (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0437Figure F-28. Flywheel Diode AssemblyRepair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0439Figure F-29. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-531A) (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure F-29. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-531A) (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure F-29. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-531A) (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure F-29. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-531A) (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure F-29. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-531A) (Sheet 5 of 5)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0445Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0446Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0447Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0448Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 1 of 6)Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 2 of 6)Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 3 of 6)Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 4 of 6)Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 5 of 6)Figure F-30. Control Panel Electrical Leads (MEP-501A) (Sheet 6 of 6)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0455Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0456Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0457Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0458Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0459Figure F-31. Capacitor Assembly (MEP-501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0461Figure F-32. Transient Suppressor Assembly (MEP-501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0463Figure F-33. Engine Wiring Harness (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0465Figure F-34. LOP Engine Shutdown Cable Assembly (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0467Figure F-35. Preheater Lead Assembly (MEP-531A/501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0469Figure F-36. Alternator Wiring Harness (MEP-501A)Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0471Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0473Figure F-37. Special Tools for Direct Support Maintenance (Diesel Engine)NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0477NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0478NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0479NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0480PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0481PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0482PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0483PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0484PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0485PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0486PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0487PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0488PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0489PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0490PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0491PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0492PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0493PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0494PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0495PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0496PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0497PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0498PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0499PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0500PART NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0501FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0502FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0503FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0504FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0505FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0506FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0507FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0508FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0509FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0510FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0511FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0512FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0513FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0514FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0515FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0516FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0517FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0518FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0519FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0520FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0521FIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX (cont) - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0522Appendix G. ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0523Figure G-1. Potentiometer, VOLTAGE ADJ. (P/N: 95-8077)Figure G-2. Potentiometer, VOLTAGE ADJ. (P/N: 95-8014)Figure G-3. Flywheel Diode Assembly (P/N: 95-8050)Figure G-4. Capacitor Assembly (P/N: 95-8017)Figure G-5. LOP Solenoid Valve Assembly (P/N: 95-8019)Figure G-6. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8084)(Sheet 1 of 2)Figure G-6. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8084)(Sheet 2 of 2)Figure G-7. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8023)(Sheet 1 of 2)Figure G-7. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8023)(Sheet 2 of 2)Figure G-8. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8075)(Sheet 1 of 2)Figure G-8. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8075)(Sheet 2 of 2)Figure G-9. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8022)(Sheet 1 of 2)Figure G-9. Wiring Harness, Control Panel (P/N: 95-8022) (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure G-10. Wiring Harness, Engine (P/N: 95-8029) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure G-10. Wiring Harness, Engine (P/N: 95-8029) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure G-10. Wiring Harness, Engine (P/N: 95-8029) (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure G-11. LOP Shutdown Cable (P/N: 95-8082)Figure G-12. Preheater Lead, Electrical (P/N: 95-8141)Figure G-13. Wiring Harness, Alternator (P/N: 95-8028) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure G-13. Wiring Harness, Alternator (P/N: 95-8028) (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure G-14. Transient Suppressor (P/N: 95-8025)Figure G-15. Flywheel Locking Handle (P/N: 114250-92101)Figure G-16. Flywheel Extractor (P/N: 114250-92130)Table G-1. Electrical Lead Fabrication for Control Panel (MEP-531A)Table G-2. Electrical Lead Fabrication for Control Panel (MEP-501A)Appendix H. TORQUE LIMITSTable H-1. Torque Limits for Steel FastenersAppendix I. MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTSAppendix J. DEWEY/MECHRON CROSS-REFERENCE LISTTable J-1. MEP-531A Cross-Reference List for Component IdentifiersTable J-2. MEP-531A Cross-Reference List for Wiring IdentifiersTable J-2. MEP-531A Cross-Reference List for Wiring Identifiers - Continued - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0558Table J-2. MEP-531A Cross-Reference List for Wiring Identifiers - Continued - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0559Table J-3. MEP-501A Cross-Reference List for Component IdentifiersTable J-3. MEP-501A Cross-Reference List for Component Identifiers - ContinuedTable J-4. MEP-501A Cross-Reference List for Wiring IdentifiersTable J-4. MEP-501A Cross-Reference List for Wiring Identifiers - Continued - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0563Table J-4. MEP-501A Cross-Reference List for Wiring Identifiers - Continued - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0564Appendix K. SPECIAL PACKAGING INSTRUCTIONSSpecial Packaging Instructions, MEP-531A (Sheet 2 of 2)Special Packaging Instructions, MEP-501A (Sheet 1 of 2)Special Packaging Instructions, MEP-501A (Sheet 2 of 2)Appendix L. COMPONENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUXILIARY FUEL SYSTEMEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS - TM-9-6115-673-13-P0570Auxiliary Fuel System InstructionsPre-assembly InstructionsAssembly InstructionsDisassembly InstructionsFigure L-1. Auxiliary Fuel System (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure L-1. Auxiliary Fuel System (Sheet 2 of 2)Table L-1. Auxiliary Fuel System ComponentsFigure L-2. Three Way Valve BracketNOTES TO FIGURE L-2Figure L-3. Auxiliary Fuel tank BracketNOTES TO FIGURE L-3Figure L-4. 2 KW Set with Auxiliary Fuel System InstalledFigure L-5. Fuel Can Bracket Shown in the Stowed PositionAppendix M. 2 KW DEPROCESSING CHECKLISTDEPROCESSING CHECKSHEETDeprocessing Servicing.Quality Deficiency Report (QDR)Figure FO-1. Electrical Schematic, MEP-531AFigure FO-2. Electrical Schematic, MEP-501AFigure FO-3. Wiring Diagram, MEP-531AFigure FO-4. Wiring Diagram, MEP-501AFigure FO-5. Generator Set Schematic, Mechron 120 VACFigure FO-6. Generator Set Schematic, Mechron 28 VDCTM-9-6115-673-13-P 2 Kw Military Tactical Generators Sets 120 VAC 60 Hz: MEP-531A (Dewey) Mechron 28 VDC: MEP-501A (Dewey) Manual