ARMY TM 9-6115-670-14&P
STEP 1. Extract oil sample from engine and send it to Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP) Lab for
analysis. Follow recommendations of AOAP Lab, if applicable. If no AOAP Lab is available
replace oil and oil filter (para 4.15.). Refill crankcase with proper viscosity oil. Check oil
pressure after changing oil.
a. If the oil pressure is within normal operating pressure, problem is resolved.
b. If the oil pressure is low, proceed to step 2.
STEP 2. Check for faulty oil pressure sending unit.
a. If oil pressure sending unit is defective, replace oil pressure sending unit.
b. If oil pressure sending unit is functioning properly, proceed to step 3.
STEP 3. Check for loose or broken wires between oil pressure sending unit and control circuits.
a. If the wires are broken or loose, repair as required, and retest for low oil pressure.
b. If there is a good connection between the oil pressure sending unit and the control circuit,
notify next higher level of maintenance.