TM 9-6115-669-13&PWARNINGDANGEROUS VOLTAGE EXISTS ON LIVECIRCUITS. ALWAYS OBSERVE SAFETYPRECAUTIONS AND NEVER WORK ALONE.FAILURE TO OBSERVE THIS WARNING COULDRESULT IN SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY ORDEATH.NOConnect plug connectors properly.(PARAGRAPH 2.2.3 andPARAGRAPH 2.1.3)Check plug connections at Gen-erator Set 150 kW (PARA-GRAPH 2.2.3 and figures 2-14,2-16) and at Power DistributionUnit (PARAGRAPH 2.1.3 andtable 2-3) Proper connections?YESNOTIFY NEXT HIGHER LEVELOF MAINTENANCEFigure 4-4 No power to ECS or RS, but Generator Set 150 k W is operating properly.4-15
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