TM 9-6115-648-14&P
Clean parts in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and prolonged
exposure of skin to cleaning solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly, Dry cleaning
solvent (PD-680) used to clean parts is potentially dangerous to personnel and property.
Do not smoke or use near open flame or excessive heat.
to 138°F (38°C to 59°C).
(1) Using PD-680, or equivalent, clean area to be lubricated.
Flash point of solvent is 100°F
(2) Apply OE lubricating oil to personnel platform pivot points and to platform anchor quick-release pins.
The PMCS chart in this section contains all necessary unit preventive maintenance
checks and services for this equipment.
4-10. General. The trailer assembly and generator set must be inspected and serviced systematically to insure
that the power unit is ready for operation at all times. Inspection will allow defects to be discovered and corrected
before they result in serious damage or failure. Table 4-1 contains a tabulated list of preventive maintenance
checks and services to be performed by unit maintenance personnel. All of the unit PMCS on the trailer is
scheduled to be performed semiannually or annually. Unit PMCS on the generator set is scheduled monthly or on
a per-hours-of-operation basis. The running time meter on the control panel is used to determine the operating
time of the generator set. Using the following as a guide, do the checks and services at the intervals shown.
Observe all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.
a. For PMCS performed on an operating time basis, perform your hourly (H) PMCS as close as possible to the
time intervals indicated.
For units in continuous operation, perform PMCS before starting operation if continuous
operation will extend service interval past that which is shown.
b. Perform your monthly (M) PMCS every month or 100 hours of generator set operating time.
c. Do your semiannual (S) PMCS once every six months or 500 hours of operating time.
d. If you discover a problem with the equipment, refer to Section Vl, Troubleshooting. If you cannot correct the
problem, refer to paragraph 4-12, Reporting Deficiencies.
4-11. Explanation Of Columns. The following is a list of the PMCS table column headings with a
description of the information found in each column.
a. Item No. This column shows the sequence in which to do the checks and services, and is used to identify
the equipment area on the Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, DA Form 2404.