ARMY TM 9-6115-645-10AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-444-11MARINE CORPS TM 09244A/09245A-10/11-7.7 Air Cleaner Assembly(16).The air cleaner assemblyis located on the left sidebehind the air cleaner accessdoor.It consists of a dry-type, disposable paper elementand canister.The air cleanerassembly features a dustcollector which traps large dustparticles.The air cleanerassembly has a restrictionindicator which will indicatewhen the air cleaner elementrequires servicing.1-7.8 Fuel Tank (18).The fueltank is located below the engineand between the skid base sidemembers.The fuel tank has acapacity of 43 gallons (162.7liters) which will allow thegenerator set to operate for atleast 8 hours without refueling.1-7.9 AC Generator (17).TheAC generator is a singlebearing, drip-proof,synchronous, brushless, threephase, fan-cooled generator.The generator is coupleddirectly to the rear of thediesel engine.1-7.10 Load Output TerminalBoard(12).The load outputterminal board is located on theright side (rear) of thegenerator set.There are fouroutput terminals located on theboard.They are marked L1, L2,L3 and LO.A fifth terminal,marked GND,is located next tothe output terminals and servesas equipment ground for thegenerator set.A removable,solid copper bar is connectedbetween the LO and GNDterminals.1-7.11ControlPanelAssembly(2).The generator set controlpanel assembly is located at therear of the generator set and1-6contains controls andinstruments for operating theengine and the generator.1-7.12 MalfunctionIndicatorPanel(1).The malfunctionindicator panel is located tothe left of the control panelassembly.It indicatesmalfunctions of the generatorset components.1-7.13 NATO Slave Receptacle(4).The NATO slave receptacleis located on the right side(front) of the generator set.It is used for slave starting.1-7.14 Skid Base (13).Theskid base supports the generatorset.It has fork lift accessopenings and cross members forshort distance movement.Theskid base has provisions in thebottom for installation of thegenerator set on a trailer.1-7.15 Voltage ReconnectionTerminalBoard(11).Thevoltage reconnection terminalboard is located on the rightside (rear) of the generatorset.The board allowsreconfiguration from 120/208 to240/416 VAC output.1-7.16 Fuel Filter/WaterSeparator (10)The fuelfilter/water separator islocated in the enginecompartment on the right side.The element removes impuritiesand water from the diesel fuel.1-7.17 Dipstick (8). Thedipstick is located in theengine compartment on the rightside.The dipstick shows thelubricating oil level in theengine crankcase.
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