ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24PAIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-456-242.General. - (Continued)c.SectionIV.NationalStockNumberandPartNumberIndex.A list, in National Item Identification Number(NIIN) sequence, of all national stock numbered items appearing in the listing, followed by a list in alphanumeric sequenceof all part numbers appearing in the listings. National stock numbers and part numbers are cross-referenced to eachillustration figure and item number appearance.3.ExplanationofColumns(SectionsIIandIII).a.ITEMNO.(Column(1)).Indicates the number used to identify items called out in the illustration.b.SMRCODE(Column(2)).The Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code is a 5-position codecontaining supply/requisitioning information, maintenance category authorization criteria, and disposition instruction, asshown in the following breakout:*Complete Repair: Maintenance capacity, capability, and authority to perform all corrective maintenance tasks of the"Repair" function in a use/user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item.(1)SourceCode. The source code tells you how to get an item needed for maintenance, repair, oroverhaul of an end item/equipment. Explanations of source codes follows:2
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