ARMY TM 9-6115-643-24
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-22
1.12.5 Engine Lubrication System.
The Engine Lubrication System (FIGURE 1-6) consists of an oil pan, dipstick, pump, oil sample valve, oil
pressure sender, OIL PRESSURE indicator, low oil pressure switch, and filter.
The oil pan is a reservoir for engine lubricating oil. The dipstick indicates oil level in the pan. The oil level can
be checked during engine operation. One side of the dipstick is used for checking oil level while the engine is running and
the other side is used while the engine is shutdown. The pump draws oil from the oil pan through a screen removing large
impurities. The oil then passes through a spin-on type filter where small impurities are removed. From the filter, oil is distrib-
uted to the engines internal moving parts and then returns to the oil pan. The oil pressure sender located in the engine
block senses oil pressure. The oil pressure is displayed on the OIL PRESSURE indicator. An Army Oil Analysis Program
(AOAP) sample valve located in the block allows oil samples to be taken while the engine is operating. The Iow oil pressure
switch, also located in the engine block, functions with the generator set fault system. The engine is automatically shut
off if the oil pressure drops below 15 ± 3 psi (103.4 ± 20.7 kPa).
1.12.6 Engine Air Intake and Exhaust System.
The Engine Air Intake and Exhaust System (FIGURE 1-7) consists of an air cleaner assembly, intake man-
ifold, four glow plugs, glow plug contactor, positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve, exhaust manifold, and muffler. The
air cleaner assembly includes a dust collector, filter element, dust evacuator valve, and a restriction indicator.
Air is drawn into the dust collector and passes through the filter element. Airborne dirt is removed and trapped
in the dust collector and filter element. Some dust can be removed from the dust collector by pinching the evacuator valve.
The restriction indicator indicates when the filter should be serviced. Filtered air is drawn out of the fitter through air intake
tubes to the intake manifold where it passes into the engine.
The engine exhaust gases are expelled into the exhaust manifold. The exhaust manifold channels the gases
into the muffler that deadens the sound of the exhaust gases. The gases pass from the muffler through the muffIer outlet
and are vented upward from the generator set housing. A cover, which is held open by the pressure of the exhaust gases
during operation, closes over the exhaust port to prevent rain, water, or other foreign matter from entering the exhaust
port when the set is not in use. The cover is easily removed for connection of an exhaust pipe for indoor operation.
The PCV valve and associated tubing allow gases which buildup in the crankcase to be recycled through
the intake manifold. The PCV valve closes to retain vapors within the engine after the engine is shut down.
To improve engine starting when ambient temperature is below 40°F (4°C), a glow plug is located in the engine
head for each cylinder. The glow plugs are energized through the glow plug contactor when the MASTER SWITCH is held
in the PREHEAT position.
1.12.7 Output Supply System.
The Output Supply System (FIGURE 1-8) consists of the AC generator, GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTER-
RUPTER (GFCI), CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE, current transformer, AC circuit interrupter relay, output terminals, AC
CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER switch, kilowatt transducer, kilowattmeter (PERCENT POWER), AM-VM transfer switch, AC
voltmeter (VOLTS AC), and ammeter (PERCENT RATED POWER).