CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-643-24_21FIGURE 1-1. Generator Set, 15 kw, Tactical QuietEQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIRs) - TM-9-6115-643-24_23Section Il. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATATABLE 1-1. Tabulated Data - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_25TABLE 1-1. Tabulated Data - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_26TABLE 1-1. Tabulated Data TABLE 1-2. Performance CharacteristicsTABLE 1-2. Performance Characteristics - ContinuedSection Ill. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION - TM-9-6115-643-24_30FIGURE 1-2. Fualt System Fuel System. - TM-9-6115-643-24_32FIGURE 1-3. Generator Set Fuel System - TM-9-6115-643-24_33Generator Set Cooling System - TM-9-6115-643-24_34FIGURE 1-4. Generator Set Cooling SystemFIGURE 1-5. Engine Cooling System - TM-9-6115-643-24_36Engine Lubrication System - TM-9-6115-643-24_37FIGURE 1-6. Engine Lubrication System - TM-9-6115-643-24_38FIGURE 1-7. Engine Air Intake and Exhaust System - TM-9-6115-643-24_39Generator Set Controls - TM-9-6115-643-24_40FIGURE 18. Output Supply SystemFIGURE 1-9. Engine Starting SystemNATO SLAVE RECEPTACLE - TM-9-6115-643-24_43EMERGENCY STOPFIGURE 1-10. Governor Control SystemFIGURE 1-11. Voltage Regulation System - TM-9-6115-643-24_46LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-9-6115-643-24_47CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE FIGURE 1-12. Generator Set Components - TM-9-6115-643-24_49NATO SLAVE RECEPTACLE - TM-9-6115-643-24_50CHAPTER 2 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-643-24_51Fuel Tank - TM-9-6115-643-24_52TABLE 2-3. Lubricating Oil - TM-9-6115-643-24_53Indoor Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_54FIGURE 2-1. Base Mounting Measurements - TM-9-6115-643-24_55FIGURE 2-2. Minimum Enclosure Clearance MeasurementsFABRICATION/ASSEMBLY OF PARTSTABLE 2-4. Fabricated/Assembled PartsSection II. REPAIR PARTS; SPECIAL TOOLSTABLE 2-5. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTABLE 2-5. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_61Section V. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-643-24_62SYMPTOM INDEX GENERATOR SET - TM-9-6115-643-24_63TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-643-24_64TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_65TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_66TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_67TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_68TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_69TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_70TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_71TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_72TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_73TABLE 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_74Section VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONSection VIII. MAINTENANCE OF DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-643-24_76lnspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_77FIGURE 2-3. Batteries and Cables - TM-9-6115-643-24_78BATTERIES.TABLE 2-7. STATE OF CHARGE WITH SPECIFIC GRAVITY CORRECT TO 80F (27C)Inspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_81FIGURE 2-4. NATO Slave Receptacle and CablesSection IX. MAINTENANCE OF HOUSING - TM-9-6115-643-24_83Inspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_84FIGURE 2-5. Generator Set Access DoorsCONTROL BOX TOP PANELFIGURE 2-6. Control Box Top Panel\TOP HOUSING SECTIONFIGURE 27. Generator Set Top Housing SectionInspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_90FRONT HOUSING SECTION - TM-9-6115-643-24_91Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_92FIGURE 2-8. Generator Set front Housing Section - TM-9-6115-643-24_93REAR HOUSING SECTION.Inspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_95FIGURE 2-9. Generator Set Rear Housing Section - TM-9-6115-643-24_96Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_97Removal. - TM-9-6115-643-24_98FIGURE 2-10. Control Box Assembly - TM-9-6115-643-24_99PRESS TO TEST LIGHTSFIGURE 2-11. Control Panel LightsSYNCHRONIZING LIGHTSCOOLANT TEMP. INDICATORTesting. - TM-9-6115-643-24_104OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR - TM-9-6115-643-24_105TIME METERS BATTERY CHARGE AMMETERFIGURE 2-12. Control Panel IndicatorsFREQUENCY METER (HERTZ). - TM-9-6115-643-24_109AMMETER (PERCENT RATED CURRENT).KILOWATTMFTER (PERCENT POWER).AC VOLTMETER (VOLTS AC).MASTER SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_113VOLTAGE ADJUST POTENTIOMETER.Testing - TM-9-6115-643-24_115Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_116AC CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_117FIGURE 2-13. Control Panel Switches - TM-9-6115-643-24_118PARALLEL-UNIT SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_119AM-VM TRANSFER SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_120PANEL LIGHTS SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_121EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_122Removal. - TM-9-6115-643-24_123LOAD SHARING ADJUST RHEOSTATOVERSPEED RESET SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_125FREQUENCY SELECT SWITCHCONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE - TM-9-6115-643-24_127GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER.FIGURE 2-13.1. In-Line Fuse InstallationBATTERY CHARGER FUSE.Inspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_132FREQUENCY TRANSDUCERFIGURE 2-14. Control Box ComponentsTesting (MEP 814A).KILOWATT TRANSDUCERSHUNT. - TM-9-6115-643-24_137OVER/UNDER VOLTAGE RELAYSHORT CIRCUIT/OVERLOAD RELAY - TM-9-6115-643-24_139Removal. - TM-9-6115-643-24_140FIGURE 2-15. Permissive Paralleling Relay Test Set-upREVERSE POWER RELAYFIGURE 2-16. Reverse Power Relay Test Set-upVOLTAGE SENSING RELAY - TM-9-6115-643-24_144RELAYS - TM-9-6115-643-24_145CONTROL BOX HARNESS - TM-9-6115-643-24_146FIGURE 2-17. Diagnostic Connector Pin PositionsPARALLEL CONNECTORTABLE 2-9. Diagnostic Connector Connection PointsRESISTOR-DIODE ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-643-24_150FIGURE 2-18. Diode IdentificationCONTROL PANEL FRAMECONTROL BOX SIDE PANELS. - TM-9-6115-643-24_153CONTROL BOX BOTTOM - TM-9-6115-643-24_154FIGURE 2-19. Control Box PanelsInstallation - TM-9-6115-643-24_156Section XI. MAINTENANCE OF AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMFIGURE 2-20. Muffler and Exhaust PipeAIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-643-24_159AIR FILTER ELEMENTFIGURE 2-21. Air Cleaner AssemblyInstallation - TM-9-6115-643-24_162Section XII. MAINTENANCE OF COOLANT SYSTEMInspection and Cleaning.FIGURE 2-22. radiator cap FIGURE 2-23. Coolant SystemFAN GUARDS - TM-9-6115-643-24_167LOWER COOLANT HOSE - TM-9-6115-643-24_168FIGURE 2-24. Fan GuardsInspection and Cleaning - TM-9-6115-643-24_170RADIATOR - TM-9-6115-643-24_171Repair. - TM-9-6115-643-24_172GENERATOR SET COOLING FANTest and AdjustmentFIGURE 2-25. Fan BeltInstallation - TM-9-6115-643-24_176FIGURE 2-26. Coolant Recovery SystemSection XIII. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEMRemoval. - TM-9-6115-643-24_179FIGURE 2-27. Fuel Tank Filler Neck and Low Pressure Fuel SystemInspection - TM-9-6115-643-24_181FUEL LEVEL SENDERLOW LEVEL/AUXILIARY FUEL PUMP FLOAT SWITCHFUEL PICKUPFUEL FLOAT MODULEFUEL FILTER/WATER SEPARATOR ELEMENTFIGURE 2-28. Fuel Filter/Water SeparatorInstallation - TM-9-6115-643-24_188Section XIV. MAINTENANCE OF OUTPUT BOX ASSEMBLYFIGURE 2-29. Output Box AssemblyCURRENT TRANSFORMER - TM-9-6115-643-24_191POWER POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERCRANKING RELAYLOAD OUTPUT TERMINAL BOARDLOAD OUTPUT TERMINALS - TM-9-6115-643-24_195FIGURE 2-30. Load Terminal Board Assembly - TM-9-6115-643-24_196FIGURE 2-30. Load Terminal Board Assembly - TM-9-6115-643-24_197Section XV. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ACCESSORIESOIL PRESSURE SENDER - TM-9-6115-643-24_199Removal. - TM-9-6115-643-24_200FIGURE 2-31. Engine Switches and Senders, Right SideRemoval. - TM-9-6115-643-24_202COOLANT HIGH TEMPERATURE SWITCH - TM-9-6115-643-24_203FIGURE 2-32. Engine Switches and Senders, Left SideMAGNETIC PICKUP.Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_206Removal. - TM-9-6115-643-24_207Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_208Section XVI. MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATION SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-643-24_209FIGURE 2-33. Oil Drain LineSection XVII. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT AND STORAGE - TM-9-6115-643-24_211CHAPTER 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-643-24_213Section Il. TROUBLESHOOTINGSYMPTOM INDEX GENERATOR SETTABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_217TABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_218TABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_219TABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_220TABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_221TABLE 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_222Section III. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSInstallation. - TM-9-6115-643-24_224FIGURE 3-1. Engine and Generator Assembly - TM-9-6115-643-24_225ENGINE ASSEMBLYFIGURE 3-2. Generator Set Top Housing PanelRemoval - TM-9-6115-643-24_228FIGURE 3-4. Overflow Bottle AssemblyEQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIRs) - TM-9-6115-643-24_230FIGURE 3-8. Fuel Filler Panel AssemblyFIGURE 3-10. Left Side Housing PanelsFIGURE 3-11. Air Cleaner AssemblyFIGURE 3-13. Right Side Engine ComponentsFIGURE 3-14. Left Side Engine ComponentsInstallation - TM-9-6115-643-24_236Installation (cont) - TM-9-6115-643-24_237Installation (cont) - TM-9-6115-643-24_238Replacement. - TM-9-6115-643-24_239FIGURE 3-16. Engine ComponentsCHAPTER 4 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-643-24_241Testing. (Regulator. PIN: 19870 For MEP-804A Generator Set).TABLE 4-2. Voltage Adjustment Range (MEP-814A)Internal Crank Relay Test.Adjustment. - TM-9-6115-643-24_245Adjustment. (cont) - TM-9-6115-643-24_246Adjustment. (cont) - TM-9-6115-643-24_247CONTROL BOX HARNESS - TM-9-6115-643-24_248FIGURE 4-1. Control Box ComponentsInspection. - TM-9-6115-643-24_250LOAD MEASURING UNIT Section Il. MAINTENANCE OF COOLANT SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-643-24_252FIGURE 4-2. Fuel TankSection IV. MAINTENANCE Of OUTPUT BOX ASSEMBLYFIGURE 4-3. Output Box AssemblyVOLTAGE RECONNECTION TERMINAL BOARD - TM-9-6115-643-24_256Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_257Repair - TM-9-6115-643-24_258FIGURE 4-4. Testing Current TransformerDROOP CURRENT TRANSFORMERFIGURE 4-5. Testing Droop Current TransformerPOWER POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER - TM-9-6115-643-24_262OUTPUT BOX PANELS - TM-9-6115-643-24_263Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_264Section V. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ACCESSORIESFIGURE 4-8. Governor Actuator Assembly - TM-9-6115-643-24_266Installation and AdjustmentFIGURE 4-7. Brushless Generator SchematicGENERATOR ASSEMBLY Installation. - TM-9-6115-643-24_270FIGURE 4-8. Generator Assembly RemovalROTATING RECTIFIER DIODES (MEP-804A)FIGURE 4-9. Rectifier Assembly (MEP-804A)END BELL AND MAIN BEARING (MEP-804A).FIGURE 4-10. Generator Assembly (MEP-804A)EXCITER STATOR (MEP-804A).Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_277FIGURE 4-11. Generator Housing Rib LocationsEXCITER ROTOR MEP-804A)TABLE 4-3. Generator Resistance Values At 25C (77F)GENERATOR ROTOR ASSEMBLY (MEP-804A).FIGURE 4-12. Rotor Assembly Lifting Device (Typical)GENERATOR MAIN STATOR (MEP-804A).Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_284GENERATOR HOUSING (MEP-804A).Testing. - TM-9-6115-643-24_286FIGURE 4-13. Rectifier Assembly (MEP-814A)FIGURE 4-14. End Bell Removal (MEP-814A)Installation. - TM-9-6115-643-24_289FIGURE 4-15. Generator Assembly (MEP-814A)EXCITER STATOR (MEP-814A).EXCITER ROTOR (MEP-814A).Installation - TM-9-6115-643-24_293Testing - TM-9-6115-643-24_294GENERATOR MAIN STATOR (MEP-814A)GENERATOR HOUSING (MEP-814A)Section VII. MAINTENANCE OF SKID BASEFIGURE 4-16. Skid BaseAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-6115-643-24_299APPENDIX A REFERENCES - ContinuedAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTExplanation of Columns in the MAC. Section IIExplanation of Columns in Tool and Test Equipment Requirements. Section IllSECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-6115-643-24_304SECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_305SECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_306SECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_307SECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_308SECTION Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-643-24_309SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedSECTION Ill. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSSECTION IV. REMARKSAPPENDIX C EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-9-6115-643-24_313SECTION Il. TABULAR LISTFIGURE D-1. Cable Assembly, AC Power (P/Ns: 88-22126-1 through 88-22126-7)FIGURE D-2. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-22123)FIGURE D-3. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-22179)FIGURE D-4. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-22309)FIGURE D-5. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-22310)FIGURE D-6. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-22311)FIGURE D-7. Capacitor Assembly, EMI (P/N: 88-22758)FIGURE D-8. Cord, Load Wrench (P/N: 88-22469)FIGURE D-9. Diode Assembly (P/N: 88-22418-2)FIGURE D-10. Holder, Control Panel (P/N: 88-22120)FIGURE D-11. Insulation, Baffle (P/N: 88-22594)FIGURE D-12. Insulation, Front Housing (P/N: 88-22595)FIGURE D-13. Pump Assembly, Fuel (P/N: 88-22546)FIGURE D-14. Resistor Assembly (P/Ns: 122-3066-1 and 122-3066-2)FIGURE D-15. Resistor Assembly, Volt (P/N: 88-22631)FIGURE D-16. Resistor-Diode Assembly (P/N: 88-22106)FIGURE D-17. Switch Assembly, Fuel Level (P/N: 88-22547)FIGURE D-18. Transducer Assembly (P/N: 88-22550)FIGURE D-19. Wire, Varistor (P/Ns: 88-20305-1 through 88-20305-3, and 88-20305-5)TABLE D-1. INCHES TO METRIC CONVERSIONfo-1 electrical schematic fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 1 of 4) - TM-9-6115-643-24_336fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 3 of 4) - TM-9-6115-643-24_338fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 4 of 4) - TM-9-6115-643-24_339