CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6115-641-24_18Figure 1-1. Generator Set, 5 kW, Tactical QuietEQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIRs)Table 1-1. Tabulated DataTable 1-1. Tabulated Data - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_22Table 1-1. Tabulated Data - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_23Table 1-2. Performance Characteristics - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_24Section Ill. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION - TM-9-6115-641-24_25Figure 1-2. Fault SystemFuel System - TM-9-6115-641-24_27Figure 1-3. Generator Set Fuel System - TM-9-6115-641-24_28Generator Set Cooling System - TM-9-6115-641-24_29Figure 1-4. Generator Set Cooling SystemFigure 1-5. Engine Cooling SystemFigure 1-6. Engine Lubrication System - TM-9-6115-641-24_32Engine Air Intake and Exhaust SystemFigure 1-7. Engine Air Intake and Exhaust System - TM-9-6115-641-24_34Figure 1-8. Output Supply System - TM-9-6115-641-24_35Generator Set Control - TM-9-6115-641-24_36Figure 1-9. Engine Starting System - TM-9-6115-641-24_37Shutdown. - TM-9-6115-641-24_38Voltage Regulation SystemFigure 1-10. Governor Control System - TM-9-6115-641-24_40Figure 1-11. Voltage Regulation System - TM-9-6115-641-24_41LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-9-6115-641-24_42Figure 1-12. Generator Set Components - TM-9-6115-641-24_43CHAPTER 2 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-641-24_44Table 2-1. Coolant - TM-9-6115-641-24_45Table 2-3. Lubricating Oil - TM-9-6115-641-24_46Outdoor Installation - TM-9-6115-641-24_47Figure 2-1. Minimum Enclosure Clearance MeasurementsFigure 2-2. Base Mounting Measurements - TM-9-6115-641-24_49Table 2-4. Fabricated/Assembled PartsTable 2-5. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 2-5. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_52Table 2-5. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_53SYMPTOM INDEX GENERATOR SET - TM-9-6115-641-24_54Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-641-24_55Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_56Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_57Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_58Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_59Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_60Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_61Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_62Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_63Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_64Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_65Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_66Table 2-6. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_67Section VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION - TM-9-6115-641-24_68Section Vlll. MAINTENANCE OF DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 2-3. Batteries and Cables - TM-9-6115-641-24_70Table 2-7. STATE OF CHARGE WITH SPECIFIC GRAVITY CORRECTED TO 80F (27C) - TM-9-6115-641-24_71Table 2-8. SPECIFIC GRAVITY TEMPERATURE CORRECTIONSRemoval. - TM-9-6115-641-24_73NATO SLAVE RECEPTACLE - TM-9-6115-641-24_74Figure 2-4. NATO Slave receptacle and CablesTesting - TM-9-6115-641-24_76Figure 2-5. Battery Charging AlternationSection IX. MAINTENANCE OF HOUSING - TM-9-6115-641-24_78Figure 2-6. Generator Set Access DoorsCONTROL BOX TOP PANEL - TM-9-6115-641-24_80Figure 2-7. Control Box Top PanelTOP HOUSING PANELFRONT HOUSING PANELFigure 2-8. Generator Set front Housing SectionFRONT HOUSING SECTION - TM-9-6115-641-24_85Installation - TM-9-6115-641-24_86REAR HOUSING SECTION - TM-9-6115-641-24_87Figure 2-9. Generator set rear Housing SectionRemoval - TM-9-6115-641-24_89Section X. MAINTENANCE OF CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLYCONVENIENCE RECEPTACLE.Figure 2-10. Control Box Assembly - TM-9-6115-641-24_92GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTERMALFUNCTION INDICATOR PANEL - TM-9-6115-641-24_94DC CONTROL POWER CIRCUIT BREAKER - TM-9-6115-641-24_95AC VOLTAGE REGULATOR. - TM-9-6115-641-24_96FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER. - TM-9-6115-641-24_97FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER. (cont)SHUNTOVERVOLTAGE RELAYSHORT CIRCUIT/OVERLOAD RELAY - TM-9-6115-641-24_101Testing - TM-9-6115-641-24_102Figure 2-11. Control Box Components Removal.RELAYS - TM-9-6115-641-24_105Figure 2-12. Diode IdentificationCONTROL BOX HARNESS - TM-9-6115-641-24_107Figure 2-13. Diagnostic Connector Pin Positions (Front View)Table 2-10. Diagnostic Connector Connection PointsPRESS TO TEST INDICATOR LIGHTSFigure 2-14. Control Panel Indicators and SwitchesFUEL LEVEL INDICATOR - TM-9-6115-641-24_112COOLANT TEMP. INDICATOROIL PRESSURE INDICATOR - TM-9-6115-641-24_114OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR (cont)TIME METER (TOTAL HOURS) - TM-9-6115-641-24_116FREQUENCY METER (HERTZ)FREQUENCY METER (HERTZ) (cnot)FREQUENCY METER (HERTZ) (cont)AC VOLTMETER (VOLTS AC)MASTER SWITCHVOLTAGE ADJUST POTENTIOMETER - TM-9-6115-641-24_122EMERGENCY STOP SWICTHBATTLE SHORT SWICTHCIRCUIT INTERRUPTER SWITCH.AM - VM TRANSFER SWITCHPANEL LIGHTS SWITCH - TM-9-6115-641-24_127CONTROL PANEL FRAME - TM-9-6115-641-24_128CONTROL PANEL FRAME (cont)Figure 2-15. Control Box Housing and Control PanelCONTROL BOX SIDE PANELS. - TM-9-6115-641-24_131CONTROL BOX TRAYSection XI. MAINTENANCE OF OUTPUT BOX ASSEMBLYAC CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER RELAY - TM-9-6115-641-24_134CRANKING RELAY - TM-9-6115-641-24_135Figure 2-16. Output Box AssemblyPRE-HEAT RELAYVOLTAGE RECONNECTION SWITCHSection XII. MAINTENANCE OF AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM - TM-9-6115-641-24_139Cleaning and Inspection - TM-9-6115-641-24_140Figure 2-18. Muffler - TM-9-6115-641-24_141AIR RESTRICTION INDICATORAIR CLEANER ELEMENTFigure 2-19. Air Cleaner Assembly - TM-9-6115-641-24_144Section XIII. MAINTENANCE OF COOLING SYSTEMRADIATOR - TM-9-6115-641-24_146UPPER COOLANT HOSE.Figure 2-20. Radiator Assembly and Cooling SystemLOWER COOLANT HOSE - TM-9-6115-641-24_149COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEMFAN BELT - TM-9-6115-641-24_151FUEL LEVEL SENDER - TM-9-6115-641-24_152LOW FUEL LEVEL/AUXILIARY FUEL PU MP FLOAT SWITCHLOW FUEL LEVEL/AUXILIARY FUEL PU MP FLOAT SWITCH (cont)FUEL FLOAT MODULEFUEL TANK FILLER NECK.Figure 2-21. Fuel Tank, Switches, and Auxiliary Fuel PumpFUEL TANK DRAIN VALVE.AUXILIARY FUEL PUMP.FUEL TRANSFER PUMP.FUEL FILTER/WATER SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-6115-641-24_161Figure 2-22. Fuel Filter/Water Separator and Transfer PumpFUEL FILTER/WATER SEPARATOR ELEMENT - TM-9-6115-641-24_163Section XV. MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 2-23. Engine Oil Drain Line - TM-9-6115-641-24_165Section XVI. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ACCESSORIESLOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCHFigure 2-25. Engine Related Switches and SendersTesting. - TM-9-6115-641-24_169OIL PRESSURE SENDER.COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENDER - TM-9-6115-641-24_171COOLANT HIGH TEMPERATURE SWITCH - TM-9-6115-641-24_172MAGNETIC PICKUP - TM-9-6115-641-24_173FUEL SOLENOIDDEAD CRANK SWITCH - TM-9-6115-641-24_175Section XVII. MAINTENANCE OF LOAD OUTPUT TERMINAL BOARD ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-641-24_176Figure 2-26. Load Output Terminal Board AssemblyLOAD OUTPUT TERMINALS - TM-9-6115-641-24_178VARISTORS - TM-9-6115-641-24_179MARKINGCHAPTER 3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSYMPTOM INDEX GENERATOR SET - TM-9-6115-641-24_183Table 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6115-641-24_184Table 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_185Table 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_186Table 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_187Table 3-1. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTING - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_188Section Ill. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-9-6115-641-24_189ENGINE AND GENERATOR ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-641-24_190Removal - TM-9-6115-641-24_191Installation - TM-9-6115-641-24_192Figure 3-1. Engine and Generator Assembly Removal - TM-9-6115-641-24_193 InstallationInstallation - ContinuedENGINE REPLACEMENT - TM-9-6115-641-24_196CHAPTER 4 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-6115-641-24_198Figure 4-2. Brush TestFigure 4-5. Stator Winding TestFigure 4-6. Rotor TestFigure 4-7. Alternator AssemblyFigure 4-8. Assembling Front Housing to RotorFigure 4-9. Performance Test CircuitSection Il. MAINTENANCE OF CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 4-10. Control Box Harness - TM-9-6115-641-24_206Section Ill. MAINTENANCE OF OUTPUT BOX ASSEMBLY - TM-9-6115-641-24_207OUTPUT BOX ASSEMBLYOUTPUT BOX/ENGINE HARNESS - TM-9-6115-641-24_209Figure 4-11. Output Box Assembly - TM-9-6115-641-24_210Installation - TM-9-6115-641-24_211Figure 4-12. Testing Current Transformer - TM-9-6115-641-24_212Section V. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ACCESSORIESFigure 4-13. Frequency Droop Adjustment lnspectionFigure 4-14. Skid BaseFigure 4-16. Excitation Block DiagramADJUSTMENTS AND TESTS - TM-9-6115-641-24_218Figure 4-17. Testing Rotating RectifiersFigure 4-19. Testing Exciter ArmatureFigure 4-21. Testing Rotor for Grounds - TM-9-6115-641-24_221Figure 4-22. Testing Stator Windings - TM-9-6115-641-24_223Figure 4-23. Support of Rotor AssemblyAssembly/lnstallationGENERATOR ASSEMBLY (MEP-812A)Figure 4-24. Generator Assembly (MEP-802A)Disassembly - TM-9-6115-641-24_228Assembly. - TM-9-6115-641-24_229Figure 4-25. Generator Assembly (MEP-812A)Appendix A. REFERENCEAppendix B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)EXPLANATION OF COLU MNS IN THE MAC, SECTION IlSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-6115-641-24_236Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_238Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_239Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_240Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_241Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_242Section Ill. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAppendix C. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. TABULAR LIST - TM-9-6115-641-24_245Appendix D. FABRICATION/ASSEMBLY OF PARTSFigure D-1. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-20312)Figure D-2. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-20313) - TM-9-6115-641-24_248Figure D-3. Cable Assembly, (P/N: 88-20314)Figure D-4. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-20315)Figure D-5. Cable Assembly, Battery (P/N: 88-20316)Figure D-7. Diode Assembly (P/N: 88-22418-1)Figure D-8. Holder, Control Panel (P/N: 88-20134)Figure D-9. Insulation,Skid (P/N: 88-20296)Figure D-10. Pump Assembly, Fuel (P/N: 88-20479)Figure D-11. Pump Assembly, Fuel (P/N: 88-22546)Figure D-12. Solenoid Assembly, Fuel (P/N: 88-20482)Figure D-13. Transducer Assembly (P/N: 88-20480)Figure D-14. Wire, Varistor (P/Ns: 88-20305-1 through 88-203054)Table D-1. INCHES TO METRIC CONVERSIONPART Il. Inches to Centimeters - TM-9-6115-641-24_261ALPHABETICAL INDEXALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_263ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_264ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_265ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_266ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_267ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_268ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_269ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_270ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_271ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_272ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_273ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_274ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_275ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_276ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_277ALPHABETICAL INDEX - Continued - TM-9-6115-641-24_278fo-1. electrical schematic fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 1 of 5)fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 2 of 5)fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 3 of 5)fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 4 of 5)fo-2. wiring diagram (sheet 5 of 5)