TM 9-6115-624-BD
D-5. General.
Repair parts are expected to be in
short supply. Parts may be
available from other damaged generators
which may or may not be from identical equipment. The following tables identify parts commonality within the DOD
standard family of generators. These parts should be given cannibalization priority in case the generator cannot be
Table D-4. Parts Commonality (15 thru 200KW DOD STD Diesel Engine Driven Sets).
Generator Parts
Parts commonality
Air Filter Element
Same on all sets
Fuel Transfer Pumps
Same on all sets
Protective Relays (Except Under
Same on all sets
Same on all 50/60 Hz Sets
Same on all 400 Hz Sets
Control Box Assembly (Except
Same on all sets
Frequency Meter
Same on all 50/60 Hz Sets. Same on all 400 Hz Sets
Same (Type 6TN) on all sets
Fuel Float Switch
Same on all sets
Same on all sets
Same on MEP Models 103, 004, 113, 005, 114, 105, 006 and
115. Some on MEP Models 106, 007, 116, 108 and 009.