Chapter 1. GENERAL INFORMATIONRepair Procedures - TM-9-6115-624-BD0011BDAR Recommendations and QDR/EIRSection III. BDAR TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIESOrganizational Maintenance and Maintenance Teams (MT)Direct Support/General Support Maintenance TeamTable 1-1. Summary of BDAR Time Guidelines.ReportsChapter 2. ASSESSING BATTLEFIELD DAMAGEAssessment ProcessFigure 2-1. Battlefield Damage Assessment.Assessment TypesChapter 3. GENERAL REPAIRProcedural StepsGaskets, EngineGaskets, EnvironmentalV-Belt, Missing or BrokenTable 3-1. Adjustable-Link V-Belt DataSection V. BRACKETS AND WELDMENTSFigure 3-3. Bracket Broken.Section VI. HARDWARE, MECHANICAL LINKAGES, CABLES AND PULLEYSFigure 3-4. Push/Pull Rod Damage Repair with Splint.Chapter 4. ENGINEFigure 4-1. Engine Failure Assessment Procedure (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 4-1. Engine Failure Assessment Procedure (Sheet 2 of 2).Section II. ENGINE FAILUREAir Cleaner, Damaged/LeakingFigure 4-2. Emergency Filter for Air Intake.Section V. ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEMOil Level LowChapter 5. FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEMFigure 5-1. Fuel Supply System Failure Assessment.Section II. FUEL STORAGE SYSTEMSOption 2: Plugging Holes, Metal or Fiberglass Tanks.Figure 5-2. Plugging Holes in Metal or Fiberglass Tank.Section III. FUEL PUMPSFigure 5-3. Stopping Leaks in Low Pressure Coupling.Fuel Line (Low Pressure Rupture)Figure 5-5. Metal Tubing Cracks Repair.Figure 5-6. Metal Tubing Holes Repair.Figure 5-8. Damaged Bends Repair.Section V. FUEL FILTERSChapter 6. COOLING SYSTEMFigure 6-1. Air Cooling System Failure Assessment.Figure 6-2. Liquid Cooling System Failure Assessment.Section III. LIQUID COOLING SYSTEMOption 1: Repair of Small Hole.Figure 6-3. Radiator Hole Epoxy Fix.Figure 6-4. Radiator Core, Puncture Repair.Figure 6-5. Hose Clamp Repair.Figure 6-6. Hose, Small Leak.Figure 6-7. Hose, Large Leak.Figure 6-8. Reinforce Collapsed Hose.Figure 6-9. Pipe inserted into Damaged Hose.Figure 6-10. Substitute Hose as Sleeve.Chapter 7. DC ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 7-1. Basic Engine DC Electrical SystemFigure 7-2. DC Electrical System Failure Assessment (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-2. DC Electrical System Failure Assessment (Sheet 2 of 2)Section II. DC ELECTRICAL COMPONENTSFuse or Circuit Breaker FailureFigure 7-3. Wire Bundle Repair of Wiring Harness.Figure 7-4. Connector Spliced to Generator Wiring.Option 1: Solder wire method.Figure 7-5. Solder Method to Repair Wires.Option 2: Wire splice method.Figure 7-6. Splice Method to Repair Same Size Wire.Option 3: Splicing different size wires.Figure 7-7. Splicing Various Size Wires.Cable, Heavy Duty, DamagedSection IV. ELECTRICAL MOTORSStarter Solenoid Defective, Delco-Remy OnlyFigure 7-10. Starter Solenoid Defective.Section V. BATTERIES AND BATTERY CABLESAppendix A. REFERENCES SYSTEMAppendix B. SPECIAL AND FABRICATED TOOLSTable B-1. Tools.Table B-1. Tools.-CONT.Section III. TEST EQUIPMENTFigure B-1. Voltage Indicator Made from Light Bulb.Uncontrolled AmperageProcedural Steps.Appendix C. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALSTable C-1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and MaterialsTable C-1. Expendable/Durable Supplies and Materials--CONT.Appendix D. SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS/PARTSFuel BlendingSection II. POL SUBSTITUTESTable D-1. Fuels and Substitute FuelsTable D-2. Lubrication SubstitutesTable D-3. Generator Application Substitutes.Table D-3. Generator Application SubstitutesSection III. PARTS COMMONALITYTable D-4. Parts Commonality (15 thru 200KW DOD STD Diesel Engine Driven Sets).Table D-6. Parts Commonality ((5KW, 60HZ (MEP-002A), 10KW, 60HZ (MEP-003A). 10KW, 400HZ (MEP-1 12A) DOD STD Diesel Engine Driven Sets)).Table D-6. Parts Commonality ((5KW, 60HZ (MEP-002A), 10KW, 60HZ (MEP-003A). 10KW, 400HZ (MEP-1 12A) DOD STD Diesel Engine Driven Sets)). (cont)Appendix E. BDAR TRAINING PROCEDURESTM-9-6115-624-BD Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair for Generators Manual