TM 9-4931-518-34P
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
identified in the plug in board
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the
exchange program, except by the
illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional
depot designated to perform the
group, subfunctional group, or an assembly. A "V"
appearing in this column in lieu of quantity indicates that
components, with plug-in board
no specific quantity is applicable (e.g., shims, spacers,
designated as program exchange
replacements with a recoverability
4. Special Information
code of L, will be accomplished by
replacing the plug-in board.
a. Repair parts for components of standards sets
which can be identified as existing in the supply system
c. The plug-in board exchange program functions
will be requisitioned through normal supply channels
are as follows:
from the appropriate supply commodity manager.
(1) Requisitioning instructions for initial issue
b. Repair parts for components of standards sets
plug-in boards will be provided since new instrument
which cannot be identified as to proper supply source
boards are included in the program.
will be requisitioned from USAMICOM, using routing
identifier B64 and furnishing as a minimum, the following
(2) As a plug-in board covered by the
as exception data.
program fails, a replacement will be requisitioned.
Requisitions will be submitted to Commander, US Army
(1) Component stock number of the individual
Missile Command, B64, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809.
end item to be repaired.
(3) Simultaneously with c(2) above, the
(2) Component manufacturer's
defective board being replaced will be shipped by
model number and serial number.
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following
(3) The equipment manufacturer's stock
number as listed in the appropriate manual for the
Transportation Officer
desired repair part.
Anniston Army Depot
M/F Field Service Stock
(4) The repair part reference designation,
Anniston, AL 36201
circuit reference, circuit symbol schematic designation,
or reference number as listed in the manufacturer's
When requisitioning a replacement board, the turn-in
document number of the replaced board shall be cited
on the requisition.
(5) The technical specification of the repair
part as contained in the appropriate manufacturer's
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. When NSN or reference number is unknown:
(6) The title and date of the manufacturer's
manual from which the information in paragraphs a, b(3),
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
(4), and (5) above was taken.
determine the assembly (functional group) within which
the repair part belongs.
requisitioned for plug-in boards