TM 5-6115-365-15
A-1. Fire Protection
TB 5-4200-200-10
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers
Approved for Army Users
A-2. Lubrication
Fuels, Lubricants, Oils, and Waxes
Refer to appropriate Lubrication Orders and Manuals listed in respective chapters for lubrication instructions
A-3. Operating Instructions
TM 5-766
Electric Power Generators in the Field
Refer to appropriate manuals listed in respective chapters for operating instructions applicable to generator sets.
A-4. Maintenance
TM 5-764
Electric Motor and Generator Repair
TM 9-6140-200-15
Operation and Organizational, field, and depot maintenance: Storage batteries,
lead-acid type
TM 11-483
Radio Interference Suppression
DA PAM 738-750
The Army Maintenance Management System
A-5. Shipment and Storage
SB 38-100
Army Preservation, Packing and Marking Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
TM 38-230-1
Preservation, packing, and packing of military supplies and equipment (Vol 1).
TM 740-90-1
Administrative Storage of Equipment
A-6. Demolition
TM 750-244-3
Procedures for destruction of equipment to prevent enemy use (Mobility
equipment Command)
Change 8 A-1/(A-2 blank)